Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3439

Linglong was born in a different world. If she doesn't understand the human affairs, she can't understand what happened behind those wars.

And of course he didn't know.

After leaving 404, he went to the library to check the relevant history, but found no relevant records.

Maybe it's because these things are related to other races. In order to avoid human panic, some people deliberately hide them.

Gu Luan will Feng ER recognition carefully put away, and then continue to look back.

What he didn't find outside, the historical records of Meizu recorded in great detail.

Three days after he was sealed, his uncle and brother conspired to kill his father and usurp the throne.

But they underestimated the power of his father and Emperor. Qin Ji was killed on the spot, while his father and his uncle were both defeated and failed to survive.

The affair of guluan has already chilled the hearts of the vast majority of people. The royal family perished, and no one forced to suppress it. Those loyal to guluan immediately began to pursue and kill Qin Ji's people to avenge Gu Luan. The country was in chaos and the country was destroyed.

It was the biggest civil war in history, with countless casualties.

Later, the wolf of Qin's other blood got the news from the head of Meizu clan and brought people to suppress the civil war.

But the wolf king's tomb has been buried in a foreign land, and the wolf king's tomb has been locked and can no longer be opened.

The first wolf slaughtered all the people who persecuted guluan, whether pure blood or half wolf, to calm down the war, leaving no place for the rest of the people to go, and naturally succumbed to the first wolf.

With the help of Meizu, toulang rebuilt the Qin Dynasty.

The Qin clan and the Meizu are forever friendly.

The first wolf in that vein is now the ancestor of Qin family.

Gu Luan sees here, the mood is incomparably complex.

There is no place to let go of the hatred and resentment accumulated over the past thousand years.

Gu Luan took a deep breath, and the hatred and resentment turned into the deep sorrow and melancholy, which were deposited in the deep heart.

When Gu Luan looked through the Meizu historical records, he was silent and did not disturb him. When he saw Gu Luan close the thick Meizu historical records, he said: "to show you these, I don't want to excuse the Qin family. It's just a werewolf family. There are not many left, and we can't afford the catastrophe like that."

Gu Luan lowered her eyes and did not speak.

He has no hatred for the present Qin family, but there are some knot that can't be untied, but after reading these, he can't tell what kind of feeling he is now.

Over the years, he survived by two strong support, one is to let feng'er return to the soul, the other is revenge.

But suddenly, hatred is no longer hatred.

He didn't feel relaxed. Instead, he had an indescribable confusion. He didn't know what to do and how to live.

Seeing the confusion in Gu Luan's eyes, Rong Laozi said: "cloning human beings is not allowed to appear, but cloning technology has not been thoroughly studied. Mu Shichang is studying, and the others are also there. "

Gu Luan looks at Rong Laozi. He knows what kind of status this person is in the present society.

No matter what they say, they think twice about it and will not export it easily.

There must be a reason why he said this to him suddenly.

"You can say what you want to say."

"Feng'er will be a trial product. However, there are still many problems to be solved However, as time goes on, these problems will be solved perfectly. "

What Rong Laozi said was very implicit, but Gu Luan understood. What he meant was that feng'er was expected to have a human body.

PS: Happy Lantern Festival for babies. I'm back to my mother-in-law's house today. It's too late to code. I can only do less.

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