Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3429

"Your eyes..."

He didn't speak. He felt her skirt

She reached out to touch his body and was caught by him and pressed on top of her head.

He did not have any more intimate behavior, directly started, she clenched hands into a fist.

This time, there was no warmth before, and soon ended, from the beginning to the end, did not look at her again, did not say a word.

After that, he left and did not return all night.

Feng'er was staring at the direction of the stone gate in the dark, and felt that he wanted to kiss her at the beginning, but when she woke up, she showed the indifference that had never been seen before.

This indifference made her feel like being dug out of a piece, empty.

A quiet, unspeakable loneliness.

She sat for a long time, thinking, there is miasma in the forest, he can't leave, maybe he went to the back to take a bath.

Out of the stone tomb, a red candle was lit outside, but she walked alone in the candlelight, but she did not feel the last jubilation, but more and more desolate.

Go back to the spring.

The water was hot, and she felt many red beads in it.

She held the bead of red fire, thinking of his estrangement just now, but there was a kind of unspeakable sadness.

After hastily grooming, he went to the stone tomb door and reached out to find him, but he stopped when his fingertips touched the stone gate.

Standing at the door for a while, he returned to the sarcophagus, sat on the coffin with his knees in his arms, waiting for him to come back.

Outside the stone tomb

Guluan sat on the stone tablet and looked at the stone tomb in front of her. She did not want to think of anything. She sat there for a night. Until the first cock crow sounded in the sky, and the tomb door slowly slid open, she flashed behind the stone tablet and hid herself.

Feng'er came out of the stone tomb and stood in front of the stone tablet for a long time before turning over and riding away.

When the sound of the horse's hooves was far away, guluan came out from behind the stone tablet and called for the horses. The horse's hooves were covered with thick cotton and ran without sound.

Far behind feng'er, she didn't let her find him, until she secretly watched her leave the ghost forest safely. Then she fell down on the horse's back and let his horse take him back.

Yesterday, the adjutant told him the news he had received, and he immediately sent people to find out the context.

Naturally, the team sent by the king of Luoyang to monitor feng'er was soon found out.

If he doesn't bleed, feng'er will be shot on the spot.

No matter how much the king of Luoyang cherished this daughter, he could not tolerate her heart to him.

So he deliberately took the sword, and deliberately let Luoyang King's spies see him seriously injured.

In addition, he also calculated that the king of Luoyang would not fulfill his promise to feng'er and made arrangements in advance.

As expected, the king of Luoyang still drove those hungry people to come here, and then took the opportunity to attack at night.

The difference is that he is already a "dying" man, and there is no assassin among the starving people.

Hundreds of people were there. If the battle was big, they would not be involved. Therefore, he only taught the king of Luoyang a lesson and did not pursue them again.

But after this incident, let him for the first time moved to kill the king of Luoyang.

The king of Luoyang is the father of feng'er. If he kills the king of Luoyang in the future, feng'er will certainly hate him.

But in front of justice, it is difficult for him to achieve both.

He was badly hurt. After the battle, he was a bit unable to hold on. However, he had to fulfill the appointment to release poison. He had to let the military doctor deal with his injury carelessly and rushed to the stone forest. By the time he arrived, it was already dark and the miasma had risen.

Although those miasma could not kill him, they made him unable to control the bloodiness of werewolves.

PS: good night ~

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