Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3425

Feng'er smile, no matter how, but now, she is happy.

He was so tall that the corner of his robe was on the ground like a beautiful dress.

Feng'er walks to the door of the stone house and looks back at the corner of the robe, which is sweeping the floor. The corner of her mouth brings up a happy smile.

She was brought up in the army by her mother when she was young, and she grew up in the army. Even if she took off her armor, she wore men's clothes for the convenience of the army. She didn't wear beautiful dresses like her sisters.

As time went by, she didn't even have women's clothes.

No woman doesn't love pretty, even if she is in the army, she will envy her sisters who show their flowers.

He grew up in the robe, actually let her have a kind of feeling of wearing a skirt, can not help but secretly secretly happy.

Pushing open the stone gate, he saw guluan waiting outside. He heard the sound of opening the door, turned his head and looked at her wrapped in his robe. He was in a trance for a moment.

Wearing light armor, she is very beautiful, with a bit of heroic spirit.

But like this she, a smart, delicate, beautiful and delicate as a woman in the water.

Feng'er gently coughed, "when can you wash with water?"

Red candles were lit everywhere in the stone tomb. It was very festive, and it was no longer as dark as it was yesterday.

"Oh." Gu Luan came back to her, her eyes fell on her bare feet, she went up to beat her and held her up, "I'll send you to the past."

"I can go by myself."

"You are not well, and the ground is cold..." He did not have a woman, but also know that women can not stand cold.

Feng'er thought that he would take her away from the stone tomb. Unexpectedly, he took her out from another door.

The tomb of the wolf king is actually a huge underground palace.

Gu Luan sees feng'er looking at the red candle all the way, and her eyes are beaming with joy. Knowing that she likes it, her mouth also brings up a faint smile.

"Why do you have so many red candles here?"

"It's from the brothers. Although we are not married, but after all, we should be happy. But you're my woman, and they can't buy you clothes. "

"That's good enough." Feng'er looked up at his face. The only bad thing was that she couldn't see his face.

However, even though he was wearing a mask, he indicated that he had taboos that could not be shown to her.

If you don't look, don't look.

In order not to see should not see, more bad heart.

Gu Luan brings feng'er to a spring and puts down feng'er.

Feng'er hands across the spring, but it is hot, "hot spring?"


"Water is hot."

"Some red beads of fire."

Feng'er is heartbroken. Red fire bead is the medium of cultivation. How many people can break their heads with a red fire bead? He even bathes her in hot water with red fire bead.

"How many red beads do you have

"Not much, but enough for you these days. I'll try to get some more later

"I'll just wash the cold water, and don't spoil the red fire beads."

"The body is important. You don't need to care about things outside of your body." Gu Luan asked for her body last night. She found that she was a Meizu. The Meizu woman's body was exquisite and hurt her vitality, so it was difficult to recover. He didn't want her to have any problems. "These red fire beads can only last half an hour. If you don't wash them, they are really wasted."

It's hard to buy the hot water from the red fire beads. Feng'er is not willing to spoil it. Seeing Gu Luan, he doesn't mean to leave, "that Don't you avoid it? "

Lonely Luan's sight in her body's passing, "you can do by yourself?"

"I'm not so delicate." Although it was feng'er's first night yesterday, she was also a martial arts practitioner. After taking medicine and sleeping again, she had recovered a lot.

PS: good night, babies.

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