Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3421

She never liked to be influenced by others, but when she heard him say the words "my woman", she felt a vague feeling in her heart.

Feng'er is thinking wildly and forgets to look at the road. When she thinks about it, she turns back. She doesn't know where she is. "Miserable, I forgot to remember the way. Otherwise, we'll go back and walk again. "

Gu Luan looked at her with a smile. "If you go back and walk again, I'm afraid we'll have to work in the woods. I don't care. I'm afraid you'll be embarrassed under my brothers' eyes."

Feng'er's face turned red. She turned back and didn't dare to look at him again.

Gu Luan lowered her head and put her cold helmet on her cheek. "So shy, how can I do something for a while?"

Feng'er became more and more uneasy and her body became stiff.

Gu Luan laughed low.

Feng'er was so embarrassed that she couldn't run away, but she couldn't go. She didn't have a word to look for. She broke the situation that made her blush and heartbeat, "why do you want to kill those people?"

"What?" He killed countless people. I don't know who feng'er is referring to.

Feng'er casually cited several people who wanted to start some wars.

She looked up and said, "why should I kill her face?"

Feng'er is silent. Will it be her father's turn after a while?

His father was ambitious, but he was very kind to her and her mother.

Is it right or wrong for her to detoxify him?

Gu Luan pulled her face, looked at her eyes, "regret?"

Feng ER shakes her head, "No Right or wrong, she doesn't regret it.

"Then remember the way well, so that next time you come in, you will lose your way and miss the time. I have to accompany you to the netherworld."

"Aren't you afraid I won't come next time?"

"You are not afraid. What am I afraid of? You'll be with you underground, aren't you? "

Feng'er laughed, "you want to open."

Gu Luan pinches her chin hand tight, look at her eyes become serious, "pour is you, in case I can't come one day, how should you do?" He can't come. He's dead.

Feng'er in this moment, in his eyes to see a fuzzy picture, a man is locked in a stone chamber full of charms, the man in the picture does not wear armor, also can't see the face, but she knows it's him.

The heart was pumping hard.

What is that?

Why was he locked in that place?

So the fuzzy picture, should be a long time later.

She couldn't figure out how long it was.

I only know that's after she's gone.


Her answer was wrong, and he frowned, "what?"

"You will not die."

"There is no one in the world who will not die."

"I don't know if there's anyone in the world who won't die, but I know you'll live a long time."

Gu Luan thought of the piece of lock she gave him and frowned. Could she predict the future?

Is it because of this that the king of Luoyang kept her in the army?

If she has this ability, it's no wonder that the king of Luoyang will be so ambitious. When he thinks of this, he can't help tightening his hand under her chin. "You go back and tell the king of Luoyang that if he wants to live a few more days, he should not think about those things that he shouldn't think about. If he is not his, he should not be greedy."

Feng ER Mou son also cold come down, "who are you helping in the end? Lone Luan

Today, when I heard about Gu Luan, I saw that he started to attack the king of Xiang. She didn't believe that he had nothing to do with him.

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