Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3419

"No He is a mutant werewolf. His wound can heal by himself. He doesn't even take Jinchuang medicine, let alone other drugs.

"Then be careful, don't touch the water, don't let the wound inflame."


They stopped talking.

It was quiet in the woods, except for the sound of horses' hooves, only their breathing.

This excessive silence makes feng'er uncomfortable.

The trees ahead were thick with leaves, and the light couldn't come in. The ground was covered with thick fallen leaves, but there were ice dregs everywhere.

Although she has been in the army for many years, she is not a person who can not bear hardships, but for the first time as a woman, she is still a bit at a loss in such a place.

Iron riding in the forest, very fast.

Feng'er looked at the front of the forest, where to go

"Don't ask. Look at the road carefully. Next time, you have to come by yourself." Gu Luan looked down at the woman in her arms. For the first time, she was too complicated to think about it.

"Why are you so familiar with this place?" No one came out of the well-known ghost forest here. However, she had been in the woods for so long, but she didn't feel anything strange. She began to wonder whether those people had been trapped in some place or buried in the bone forest.

This thought suddenly made her feel cold.

"How much do you know about the woods?" Gu Luan feels that feng'er's body is stiff. She knows what she thinks of and doesn't answer the question.

"I only know that this is a forest of ghosts. Those who enter the forest will come in but not out." Just now he asked her to record the way and let her come in by herself next time, which showed that the forest was not in and out.

"You will be the exception."


"Because I'm here."

"You killed those who went into the woods?"

"I have never killed anyone who went into the woods by mistake." Gu Luan is not a person who likes to explain, but feng'er asks, he is not willing to carry this pot.

"How did those people die?"

"Do you know why it's called ghost forest?" If you don't die a few people, you'll be called a ghost forest.


"It used to be an ancient battlefield. There were too many dead people and no one had to deal with the corpses. Even the nearby villages were infected with plague. Those who can survive are gone, and the rest are dead. In such a place, no one will dig a hole to bury bones. As time goes on, the bones sink and are covered by newly grown trees and become this forest. The underground miasma is very heavy, especially in the evening, the miasma spreads everywhere. Those who enter the forest are poisoned by the body miasma, not by human beings. "

"Corpse miasma!" Feng'er's face changed. She had read about the description of corpse miasma in ancient books. Those who were in the middle of it were rotten and turned into white bones.

"Then we..."

"The corpse miasma will only rise at night. As long as the corpse miasma is not touched, it will be fine."

"Since the corpse miasma will come out at night, why can't those people leave before the corpse miasma comes out?"

"The forest is a maze of its own, and those who come in can't get out if they don't know the way."

Feng ER secretly took a breath, so he let her know the way, "since this is a maze, why can you find the way out?"

"Instinct." Wolf instinct.

Feng'er didn't know what his instinct meant, but he didn't ask more questions.

Then he went forward to the stone forest, but this was not the case

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