Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3417

"I can't help it."

Gu Luan was so angry that the blue veins on her forehead burst out. Without looking at her, she walked to his horse.

Feng'er called after him, "don't say that I don't know the sorcerer of the wolf clan. Even if I do, my horse can't run to him in an hour. Besides, I can't stand the pain of bone scraping and blood exchange I Don't want to die

Gu Luan stops abruptly. She is really helpless.

He took a deep breath and turned back.

Feng'er put on his cold eyes, breathed heavily, and unconsciously carried his hands behind him.

Gu Luan took a deep look at her and pulled her hand out of her back.

See her index finger tip, a thick thorn completely not into the skin.

Just now I just stabbed the skin

She must be poisoned not deep enough, clenched her fist, Sheng Sheng pressed the thorn into it.

Gu Luan's heart beat hard. Even though he was wounded all over the battlefield, he didn't look at the thorn on his little hand and felt pain.

Feng'er takes back her hand and pulls out her knife. She wants to cut the skin of her finger and pick out the big thorn.

Gu Luan approached her and grabbed her wrist. "Let me do it."


Feng'er's voice just fell, she saw the silver light, and when she felt the pain, her fingertip had been cut off a small cross, and the blood quickly seeped out.

Guluan pushed up his helmet, revealing his thin chin and thin lips.

He has no beard. He is clean and clean. He is very young.

Even though she couldn't see the face above, with the line of chin, she was already the best man she had ever seen.

Feng'er's heart pounded away. He was so handsome.

Gu Luan pulls feng'er's bloody fingers and leans to his lips.

"Don't Hands are dirty. " Feng'er fell from the cliff, rolled all the way down, and then climbed over the cliff. Her hands were dirty.

He ignored her, holding her fingers without pause.

Feng'er breathes a tight, fixed looking at the black eyes behind the bronze helmet, with a trace of never before feeling in her heart.

Guluan sucked out the thorn buried in the flesh and vomited it with blood and thorn. Her thumb stroked the wound of her finger. Seeing that there was no more bleeding, she adjusted her helmet again, pulled out the hairpin on her head, and picked out the other thorns in her palm one by one.

The back of his hand is covered in the leather wrist guard, and only his fingers are exposed. His hand is much larger than hers. He can hold her hand completely with one hand. His fingers are very long and thin, and the knuckles are even. They are not as thick and beautiful as ordinary martial arts practitioners.

However, there are many cocoons in the palm, which are very hard, and some of them are slightly pricked, but they are very warm. Her hand is held by him, which makes her feel at ease inexplicably. It seems that as long as he is there, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Then she thought of having to make a blind date with him for a while, and her face turned red. When the last thorn was picked out from the palm of her hand, she said, "that Thank you for saving me. "

Gu Luan raised his eyes, glanced at her, let go of her hand, "in fact, you don't have to be like this."

Feng'er bit his lip and didn't pick up his words and said, "it's not convenient for me to enter the city."

This forest is connected with the cities of the Three Kingdoms. On the other side of guluan is their mortal enemy. On her father's side, she appears with him. Once he is recognized as a ghost, he will inevitably cause a battle.

As for the king of Xiang, when he saw that he must be killed by ghosts, he did not know what would happen.

So, she and he can only be found out.

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