Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3408

But those who can achieve the great cause of his father are killed by ghosts.

But she, who was "without great wisdom and resourcefulness", survived.

After the death of countless counsellors, the father did not have much hope for her.

Over the past few years, she recalled the past and found that what she had done, like ghost killing, was maintaining a pattern of balance, allowing more people to survive in this pattern.

This discovery made her feel like a kindred to the ghost she had never seen before.

Although they are not in the same group.

Although she has always been concerned about ghost killing, she has never wanted to see the murderer, and even hopes not to see him for the rest of her life.

In her opinion, seeing him should be the end of her life.

She cherished her life, so she never wanted to see ghost killing.

Although the man in front of her didn't know who she was, she couldn't help thinking of ghost killing whether it was the iron horse under his seat or the powerful aura of him.

He did not answer, but looked at her quietly.

If the other party does something, she can understand the other party's ideas, but if the other party does not move, she can't see through the other party. This feeling is really bad.

There was no shortage of intelligent people in King Xiang's barracks. He was startled by the sudden fire. He quickly came back and immediately sent someone to check it out.

The sound of the horse's hooves came.

The man finally moved, it seems that he wants to evacuate. In addition, feng'er finds that the other party has no intention of killing her.

Feng'er appears here. If Wang Xiang's people find out, the other party will think that she is coming to spy on the news.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she also had to leave.

Feng'er took the horse back, but her eyes were still staring at the ghost. She found that the ghost face was walking in the same direction with her. This discovery made her heart almost jump out of her throat.

The sound of the horse's hooves came closer.

Feng'er wants to avoid the king of Xiang's soldiers, but also to prevent the ghost to kill her, dare not have the slightest carelessness.

Ghost kill with the horse ran for a while, then stopped, slowly raised the hand of the strong bow.

Feng'er's heart suddenly jumps. Is he going to kill her?

She clasped her bow.

She had seen the ghost killing archery with her own eyes just now, but her archery, in front of this man, could not be put on the table. If he wanted to kill her, it would be like strangling an ant. If she took the bow to reflect now, it would be useless.

Now one of the things she can fight against is the short arrow in her bow.

Feng'er finger moved to the position of the button, as long as he aimed the bow at her, she pressed the button and fought hard.

She doesn't want to kill her. She doesn't even want to hurt her finger.

He fired three arrows in a row, and each time he fired three arrows at the same time.

The speed of the three groups of arrows shot out was actually faster than that of the other group.

After the three arrows, he saw that he had buckled three arrows on the bow again, but this time he was not in a hurry.

Feng'er saw that the arrow was phosphorescent.

The wind blows up the fallen leaves and flies all over the sky, and the dead leaves fall down. The three arrows come out of their strings, fast and tight. They rub electric light in the air. "Hiss, hisses, hisses." the arrows ignite, and the dead leaves in the places they pass are on fire.

When the three arrows caught up with the feather arrows which were divided into three rows in front of them, the speed slowed down. The twelve arrows actually went forward in parallel at the same speed. All the phosphorous on the arrows ignited, and the flames flew away, igniting the dead leaves along the way, like a thick wall of fire.

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