Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3378

See sitting in the driver's cab is mu Jin Yan, Mu Jin Yan's face is as cold as ice, he looks at the front, but anything in front of him is obviously not in his eyes.

It seems that Mu Jin Yan didn't even notice his car.

What's wrong with him?

Qin Jian frowned and left a message to an Yin, saying that he would go back later, and then slow down and follow the car of Mu Jin Yan.

Evening Jin words absent-minded, even behind a car do not know, he aimlessly, unknowingly, the car stopped at the gate of the military area command, just came back.

He breathed a long breath and slowly turned the car around. When the car turned around, he saw lykan hypersport following him. He was stunned for a moment. The car slid forward slowly. When he was side by side with Qin Jian's, he opened the window and said, "Why are you here?"

"With you." Qin Jian glanced at the courtyard of the military area command, "why don't you go in?"

"The time is not right."

See his mother can have what time is not appropriate, but he can not even control his own emotions, do not know what kind of emotions to face his mother.

Mother is a patient, and this is not a place for him to seek comfort when he is unhappy.

Qin Jian saw Twilight Jin Yan's eyes flashed bleak, "go drink a cup?"


"Where do you want to go?"

"At will."

Qin Jian no longer spoke, the car turned around and drove forward, the evening Jin words quietly follow.

He didn't go far, just in front of the bar.

This bar, Qin jianqibai and Rongxun are not few, but to Mu Jinyan, it is very strange.

Mu Jin Yan gets out of the car and follows Qin Jian into the bar. Seeing that there are many soldiers in the bar, he knows that it is a place for the garrison in the military area.

Qin Jian looked back at the evening Jin Yan, "there is no private room here, don't you mind?"

The evening Jin speech looked around for a while, "you often come?"

"I used to come and sit down from time to time."

They found a place to sit down, Qin Jian raised his hand to call the barmaid and asked Mu Jin, "there is no red wine here, only beer and white wine. What do you drink?"

"you know, you has the final say."

Qin Jian turned to the barmaid: "black beer to a bucket."

When the beer was sent up, Qin Jian poured a cup for him and Mu Jin Yan, and then picked up the beer cup, "a dry mouthful?"

Evening Jin Yan took up the beer cup, touched it on Qin Jian's glass, and drank it in one breath.

Qin Jian looked at him coldly. He really had something on his mind. He drank the wine in the glass without saying a word, and then filled them up again. "How do you feel?"


Mu Jin said that he was the one who restrained himself in everything. He was afraid of mistakes and accidents, and never indulged himself.

So bars are places where you can hardly walk.

In a few weeks ago, Mu Jin Yan would never have thought that he would sit in such a place, ignore, drink a lot.

He had a good capacity for alcohol, but today he was in a bad mood. After a glass of wine, he was in a hurry, and he was somewhat superior.

But this halo, but like in his suffocating about to blow up a hole in the chest, let him have a place to breathe.

He took up his beer glass and drank it out in one gulp. He sighed for a long time, as if he had survived.

Qin Jian also does not ask the evening Jin speech how to return a responsibility, accompany him a cup of drink.

After a few cups of wine, Qin Jian said: "this black beer is made by the boss himself. Although it is beer, it is of high degree. It is different from ordinary beer. You should be more leisurely."

"Mu Jin said with a smile," since you come out to drink, you should have a good drink. It's boring to save it. "

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