Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3367

Even if he wanted to have a look at dushilin again, he did not intend to appear in front of dushilin in order not to make it more miserable.

I didn't expect that he would come to the hospital.

What's more, he saw the twilight rain, which was not what he had imagined.

Dushilin hugged him tightly, and through his clothes, he could feel that he was skinny.

The imperial edict broke into tears and said, "what's the matter with you?"

Dushilin choked and couldn't say a word.

The evening Jin speech took a deep breath and pressed down the tears.

His real identity has not been disclosed, and this is not the place to speak. "Uncle, I think you and my father must have a lot to say. Why don't you go and live with me for a few days, and you can talk about the past slowly."

The imperial edict can refuse an yin or Mu Jin Yan, but he can't refuse the present dushilin.

There is a person, he must go to see, but after meeting that person, I don't know how long that person can let him live.

Looking at the dushilin, who has almost no human form, and thinking of an Yin's words, Mu Shichang has not caught

He nodded. "It's OK."

Having been waiting for so many years, that person should not care to wait a few more days.

An Yin see Zhao Yan willing to go with the evening Jin Yan, dark relaxed.

The evening Jin speech turns round an Yin, "I send two old to get on the car, come to look for you again."

Anyin: "no, I'm off work. Let's go down together."

Mu Jin said: "let's go."

In order to ensure the safety of anyin, Qin Jian did not allow anyin to drive by himself, and Wei Zheng picked up and drove him to and from work.

She made an appointment with Qin Jian to try on her wedding dress tomorrow. Anyin left the hospital and did not return to her home. Instead, she went directly to Jinsha bend.

Anyin's car all the way in the back of the car, see the evening Jin words is to the Jinsha bend direction, heart completely put back to the chest.

The safety system of Jinshawan is excellent. If the imperial edict doesn't mess around, his personal safety can be basically guaranteed.

In addition, with his brother's style of conduct, he would not have sent people to follow them secretly. Even if the imperial edict was to leave behind them, they would not have been unaware.

Zhao Yan agreed to go there, so he didn't consider where he lived or where he would go.

Looking at Mu Jin Yan who is driving in front of her, she still has a complicated mood in her heart.

This is the child who makes him feel guilty.

"Brother Jin said that he... "

When he saw the imperial edict and looked at her, he was eager to tell him that it was his son. He had a lot to worry about in this world.

Zhao Yan clenched the hand of Dushi Lin and stopped him from saying, "wait, let's talk slowly."

He stayed in the human world for several years, and most of his experience was calculation. He deeply realized what walls have ears.

Cars are the easiest places to be attacked.

Mu Jin Yan raised his eyes and looked at Zhao Yan from the rearview mirror. After more than 20 years of imprisonment, he became careful.

His cars are specially made, even if a bug is attached to the door, he can't listen to the conversation in the car.

This is more than 20 years ago, there was no technology.

However, Mu Jin Yan did not explain. After all, there are few cars like him in Seoul. He can be careful, which is a good thing.

A car parked on the side of the road broke into his sight.

Mu Jin Yan's heart can't help slowing down. He glances at the imperial edict in the back seat from the rearview mirror. He just wants to pretend that he doesn't see the car and drive straight by. Dushilin suddenly says, "Jinyan, that's Lin Lin's car."

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