Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3363

"Thank you, elder martial brother." Anyin usually does things in an orderly way. She arranges things very quickly. Only in a short time, she completes the handover.

Mingjie took over the information from an Yin and looked at it. "OK, I'll keep an eye on it for a week. If there's any problem, I'll call you."


When Mingjie leaves, an Yin looks at the imperial edict materials left alone, and her mood is somewhat complicated.

Whether she accepted or not the relationship between father and daughter in the imperial edict, she had to handle the formalities.

Because in the eyes of the world, in terms of blood, they are directly related.

An Yin took a deep breath, left the office room, went to Zhao Yan's ward, and did a routine examination.

Every time she went into the ward, she looked as if she was duty bound, neither cold nor hot.

But every time Zhao Yan saw her, although there were not many words, her eyes were very gentle, and anyin could see his eyes following her every time she left.

Since he returned to the hospital, he has never taken the initiative to find her, but an Yin can feel that he wants to see her.

She finished the examination and asked the nurse to go first.

Before, every time after the examination, an Yin never stayed much. She always left before the nurses. At this time, she left, which made Zhao Yan a little surprised. At the same time, she realized that she had something to say.

When the nurse left, an Yin looked at the imperial edict and said, "you are going to leave the hospital."

Before the imperial edict, he also wanted to escape. When he heard that he could be discharged from hospital, he was stunned for a moment.

An Yin pretended to be unable to see the imperial edict, and said, "are you going back to twilight home after you leave hospital? If so, I'll contact the car for you. "

He is an important witness. Even if he is discharged from hospital, an Yin does not dare to let him run around.

"No, I'm not from the twilight family." Zhao Yan grinned bitterly. That identity was meaningless to him.

"Where are you going? You'll have to continue the operation. You can't lose your connection

"You give me a phone number, then give me an approximate operation time, I will contact you then."

I don't know why. Listening to this, anyin has a general feeling that he won't come for the next operation.

"I'm afraid not."

"If it's not convenient for you to give me my mobile phone number, it doesn't matter."

"Not this one."


"Mu Shichang hasn't been caught yet, and you are the direct witness of his impersonation of twilight."

"Not caught?"


He was very careful when he said this, but he didn't even feel happy in the face.

"I see. Don't worry. I won't run. When I buy a cell phone and leave the number at the service desk for them to give you, I will come when you need me. "

"Do you have money to buy a mobile phone?"

"Money can be earned." "In the world of human beings, it's not easy to survive, but it's not difficult to make some money."

"You don't need the identity of twilight. You don't even have an ID card. Who will hire you. Don't say that you want to do murder, robbery, furtive business. "

Zhao Yan's eyes flashed a touch of astringent meaning, "an Yin, I'm so unbearable in your eyes."

In fact, when anyin finished that speech, she also had some regrets.

She didn't really like that. She just saw the imperial edict and felt aggrieved. She couldn't help saying something to stab him.

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