Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3361

Jin Peng took his mobile phone and played all the way in. Leng Buding heard this and said, "aunt LAN, what do you want my brother to have?"

Evening Shulan was choked almost to close her breath, "give birth to a child."

Jin Pengfei quickly took a look at Qin Jian and opened the browser.

Two minutes later, Jinpeng mobile phone played several messages.

Qin Jian opens the news.

Jin Peng: the secret of having a child, the most easily pregnant position, the best time to be pregnant, etc

Qin Jian's calm reply: fighting?

Jin Peng closes the browser and switches back to the game interface.

Liu Ma came out to ask for dinner.

After dinner, Qin Jian and Jin Peng went to Rong Laozi's side, and an Yin continued infusion to dushulan.

Evening Shu Lan see no one else in the room, let an Yin sit next to her, asked: "wedding dress and wedding photos, three son said to you?"

"Yes, I'll go back to the hospital tomorrow to discuss the time with the professor."

"It's a matter of urgency."


Evening Shulan raved about for a long time, and finally couldn't help opening her mouth, "an Yin, have you ever thought that Yue is too lonely for a child."

As soon as dushulan opened her mouth, an Yin knew the meaning of her words, and her face suddenly became hot. However, there was no need to avoid this kind of thing. "My third young master and I intend to get married and live as it is."

"It's still a month to get married..." Evening Shu Lan words out of the mouth, just react to come over, oneself said leakage mouth, busy way: "yes, we let it be."

She thought, this matter, also must Qin Jian that boy initiative, as long as an Yin does not repel, do not contraception.

An Yin smiles and stops talking about this topic.

Evening Shu Lan took an Yin's hand, "three son said, that cup has solved, is it true?"

She didn't believe in Qin Jian, but she believed that if she didn't understand, she would not cooperate with Qin Jian to cheat her.

If she can get a letter from an Yin's mouth, she can feel at ease.

"It's true."

Mu Shulan breathed a sigh of relief. She had seen an Yin before, but she didn't dare to mention it. However, she was about to collapse. After listening to anyin's words, she had a feeling of seeing the dawn. Once her nose was sour, she wanted to cry.

"Mom, I know it's very heart breaking, and there are still some problems with it now, but I'll get rid of it."

"What's the problem? Can we help?"

"It's up to us." Anyin didn't want to report the good news or bad news to dushulan. Since he said this, he simply put the existing problems in a proper way and said, "we have found the killer of the snake shrew, but the snake bug was injured before and fell into a coma. After it fell asleep, Lingbao couldn't feel where it was. So, we have to find it first. When it is found, the cup should be able to be solved. "

"What if he doesn't wake up?"

"Try to wake it up."

"Is there any way?"

"Although I don't know how to make it wake up, I believe there will be a way."

Mu Shulan gently nodded her head. Although it was not entirely good news, she did see hope. After a pause, she turned the topic around again. "I'll find the way, but I can still have a second child first. You have suffered too much in the past few days. You gave birth to a child. You didn't sit in the moon. You also soaked in ice water, which made your body cross. Liu Ma knows a good doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. I asked her to prescribe some tonics for you and come back. She has been boiling for you to tonify your body every day. "

An Yin: "it's just

PS: good night!

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