Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3355

"Good." Anyin was so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole.

From the front came the jiaonuo voice of Qin Yue, "grandma, are you not mommy's mother-in-law? Why do you want mommy to call her mother?"

Mu Shulan patiently said: "mother in law is also a mother. After your daughter-in-law calls you mommy, you also have to call mother."

The kid was serious: "Oh."

Anyin is even more embarrassed.

Qin Jian was in full bloom.

An Yin looked back at Qin Jian, "all blame you."

Qin Jian hugged her from the back, bowed his head and kissed her face, "well, blame me. But look how happy our parents are

An Yin looks at the dushulan holding the little guy, and then looks at Qin Jian'an who is carefully protected by the side, and smiles.

Such a pair of do not remember the past, but also close to the lung to her father-in-law, she made a lifetime.

Qin Yue is not picky, even if he doesn't like fish porridge very much, he also eats very well.

Dushulan is still a patient, but as long as it is not too painful, seeing Qin Yue, the whole person is full of energy.

But after all, it was the patient. After supper, anyin advised her to go to bed. Yesterday, Shulan was very painful. With anyin's medicine, her condition was quickly controlled. Today, there was only a little faint pain left.

Mu Shulan is fully convinced of anyin's medical skills, so she listens to anyin's words. Anyin asks her to go to bed, and she goes back to her room.

An Yin and Qin Jian take Qin Yue to play for a while, let him eliminate food, just put him into the bathtub to soak.

Wolves are born with water, and werewolves are no exception.

Usually strict family education, do not dare to change the real body, at this time into a small wolf, everything feel fresh, do everything excited, soak in the water, more happy than usual bath and water.

Little guy incarnates himself. Before a domestic cat arrives, a bathtub can be used as a swimming pool for him. He paddles four short legs and gouges in the water.

Anyin was angry and funny.

According to this time, Qin Yue should have gone to bed, but seeing the little guy happy, he couldn't bear to get him out.

I also think of what Qin Jian said when he was training Qin Yue. I know that they are usually subject to strict restrictions, even when there is no one at home, they can't act willfully.

At this moment, the little guy has changed his body, so he can play with him.

Finally or Qin Jian really can't see down, still play happy little guy from the water.

The little guy's hair is thick and dense. Anyin is afraid that he will catch a cold, so she quickly covers it with a bath towel and dries it carefully. After blowing the hair dry, the little guy is already snoring.

An Yin: "it's just

Put a good place to sleep like a pig, clean up their own, has passed three o'clock, sleepy eyes.

But lying in bed, I couldn't sleep.

After taking a bath, Qin Jian came out of the bathroom with a body of water vapor. He looked at Qin Yue who was sleeping in his cot, touched his ears and felt his temperature.

The body temperature is slowly falling, and when it reaches the same temperature as that of human beings, the human form will be restored.

Qin Jian breathed a sigh of relief, lay down beside an Yin, stretched out his hand, took an Yin into his arms, and kissed her, "haven't you fallen asleep yet?"


"No, it's hard to accept."

"It doesn't count. It's just a little uncomfortable..."

Qin Jian understood and tightened her arm and put her in her arms more tightly. "Today Didn't scare you? "

"I've seen Jin Peng's wolf before, so it's OK. It's just a little unexpected."

"Unexpected what?"

PS: do the babies think wolf cubs are handsome?

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