Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3340

Although today's charity party seems to be organized by the women's Association, all the guests invited are women, but there are many people.

An Yinchu was also worried about Qin Yue's stage fright. As a result, Qin Yue behaved in a natural and natural manner. He was polite and polite when he met people. He also secretly told an Yin the identity of each other when Lu Ying was greeting people and failed to introduce her in time.

At the same time, it shows a good upbringing, and at the same time makes an Yin Xin melt.

Lu Ying is the main person in charge today. She can't accompany anyin all the time. She has met all the people she should meet, and then she has to ask someone to accompany anyin.

An Yin half true half jokingly refused: "aunt Lu, don't bother, I have Yue Yue with it."

Qin Yue often attends various activities with Mu Shulan this year. Many people know him very well. If Qin Yue is around, some people will talk to an Yin in the past. There is no need to worry about an Yin being ignored.

In addition, if someone follows, I'm afraid anyin will feel uncomfortable.

Lu Ying didn't insist, "well, then you can have your mother and son at will."


"Do you have my phone number?"


"If anything, I'll call you." When Lu Ying comes to the stage, her mobile phone will not be brought to the stage. However, her assistant holds her mobile phone and will inform her as soon as possible if there is anything wrong.


"Then go ahead and get busy."


"Granny Lu, see you later."

"See you later, baby." Lu Ying loves this cute little guy.

An Yin led Qin Yue, watched Lu Ying go away, bent over to the child and said, "Mommy depends on the baby now."

"Don't worry. I'll take good care of my mother." Qin Yue looks small and big.

"How nice." Anyin pinched his small face, "so where are we going now?"

"Over there." Qin Yue's chubby little hand points to the direction behind an Yin.

An Yin turned back in the direction Qin Yue pointed to

That's the pastry area.

Children naturally like to eat, especially like other people's food.

No matter how good a tutor is, no matter how restrained he is, his nature will not be destroyed.

Anyin doesn't like social intercourse. Standing here, someone will soon pick up a conversation. She simply leads Qin Yue to the pastry area, takes him to pick out some sweets, and then sits down in a corner seat with few people.

Qin Yue is eating snacks, and she is searching for LV Weiwei's figure with her eyes.

Although it is an accident to meet lvweiwei tonight, and there are many people, not suitable for what to do, but now that she has met, she still hopes to find a chance to test LV Weiwei.

See if you can ask for the news of her foster mother, Xia Xin.

Qin Yue's little ghost big, eat small pudding, but always pay attention to an Yin, see an Yin look at the crowd, looks like looking for people, then with an Yin's line of sight to look at the crowd, and then see an Yin looking at LV Weiwei, the small mouth flattened up, "Mommy, I don't like her."

"She" refers to LV Weiwei.


Although an Yin and Qin Yue spent a short time together, they felt that Qin Yue was well educated and would not easily evaluate a person.

He suddenly said that he did not like LV Weiwei, there must be a very dislike reason.

"Mommy works in a foreign country, but she rubs her enthusiasm here. It's so annoying." Qin Yue looked indignant.

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