Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3333

Such a good car, everywhere is the focus of attention, she is no exception to see two more eyes.

She is just a passer-by. People in the car will not pay attention to her. When the car passes smoothly, however, when the rear window of the car passes by her, she suddenly feels that someone is looking at her through the window glass.

Then the car stopped.

A man who got out of the car said to him that their husband had a few words to ask her.

A stranger's car, she will not naturally, but through the window, under the car and inside a few words, it does not matter.

So she walked over.

The window was down, and sitting by the window was a girl who looked like an Yin. In a flash, she was all in a daze and didn't even see the man sitting beside the girl.

Look at her eyes slowly, Xia Xin

The voice, like from hell, was so dense that people felt goosebumps.

Maybe it was the chill that made her feel cold. She didn't even notice what the other side was saying. When she came back from her shock, she saw the old man sitting beside the girl.

"Twilight" is a well-known entrepreneur and the head of four families. There are news about him everywhere. LV Weiwei often sees this face in the media and magazines, and naturally recognizes it.

Seeing "Twilight", she naturally thought he was looking for her because of an Yin.

Everything has something to do with anyin. Anyin is just the evil star in her life, haunted.

The girl in the car looked like anyin frowned, and did not hide the disdain on her face. She said, "it's really cheap life. I don't want to have a good body. I picked up such a broken pot."

She did not understand what this meant, listening to "Twilight good" way: "Lianyin, don't say that." Blame words, but full of doting.

Subconsciously, he looked at the man beside her, and his eyes stopped on her face. However, he didn't dislike his eyes. Instead, he was burning as if he wanted to melt several holes in her face. His joy was all written on his face.

Even if she has not been loved by others, she can feel the strong desire of each other.

She knows how much she weighs. With her appearance, she will never be able to fascinate a successful middle-aged man with a glance.

There must be a reason for that.

Because do not know the reason, flustered, slowly retreat, intend to go away.

"Miss lvweiwei." "Good old man" opened his mouth.

She and an Yin had been very close before, and "Twilight" had checked an Yin. Naturally, it was easy to find her head and call out her name. It's not surprising.

What surprised her was that "Twilight" could remember her as a humble person.

"What can I do for you?" She forced herself not to look at the face which is very similar to an Yin. The similarity between this person and an Yin has already made her uncomfortable, but what really scares her is the look in the other person's eyes.

Seeing that pair of eyes, there is a kind of feeling that what you see is not a living person, but a kind of ghosts and monsters crawling out from where.

"My daughter is not in good health. She usually stays at home. She doesn't get out of the house very much. She doesn't understand human affairs. Don't take what she says to heart. "

"Twilight" is a well-known person, such people are often superior.

She didn't expect that the other party would speak to her in such a gentle tone, which made her feel flattered.

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