Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3331

Qin Jian looked at his son who couldn't talk about sleeping. He simply stretched out his hand and hugged his wife and son together.

The little guy was clamped tightly and stopped working. His little feet pressed on Qin Jian's chest, and his little hand directly patted Qin Jian's face. He tried to push Qin Jian away, but his strength was not small.

Qin Jian said:

Qin Jian is cold and hard-natured. He has the aura of an overbearing president. However, in front of his son, he has no way and no image to speak of.

Anyin laughed.

Qin Jian took the little guy's hand away from his face and bit the fat little hand. He regretted that he didn't let the little thing sleep by himself. Now it's a big light bulb of several thousand watts.

An Yin see Qin Jian a pair of turtle eating appearance, afraid that he would become angry, put his son out of bed, with a pillow block in the bed, and then hold the little guy to the other side of her body, she sleep in the middle, "give you a little pillow."

Although the little guy likes to rummage when he sleeps, he can't turn under the bed with a pillow.

Two meter bed, even if the pillow occupies the bedside position, but also will be too crowded.

Qin Jian's eyes darkened, a glimmer of joy flashed under his eyes, and he lost the bed quilt to his son. Then he put the woman in front of him who could ignite everywhere without touching him into his arms and shared a quilt with her, "the quilt also shares half of you."

"Good." An Yin arms around the man's strong and narrow waist, looks up, and kisses on the man's thin lips.

This kiss, the spark in Qin Jian's body suddenly exploded, his arms tightened, and he bowed his head and kissed her. But at the moment of kissing her, he saw the blood in her eyes, took a breath, pressed down the fire, and said softly, "sleep."

Anyin felt his desire and thought of what xiaonenya said, which made her and Qin Jian more intimate and stimulated the snake. But she was still worried about the fact that the female would suck Qinjian Yuanyang. She decided to find out how to check the relevant information tomorrow to see if xiaonenya's words were feasible.

If it's really possible, it's not too late to start the fire again.

Now, it's better to sleep well.

After all, she will take Qin Yue to the formula ceremony tomorrow. Although she doesn't care too much about what others think of her, she still hopes to be beautiful with her son.

I don't want to look bad tomorrow. I still have two big dark circles under my eyes and appear in front of others.

Although the level of the makeup artist is very high, can draw yellow face woman into a beautiful girl, but the painting out of which has natural good.

An Yin see Qin Jian did not have the next move, also honestly closed his eyes, no longer to tease him.

Qin Jian approached her and whispered, "when you raise your spirits one day, we will do a good job."

His voice was very low, and the warm breath was on her ears.

An Yin blushed, did not dare to open his eyes, light way: "good."

That sound "good", let Qin Jian whole person all crisp, the mood is extremely good, kiss her forehead, embrace her, also closed eyes.

When an Yin was about to fall asleep, he vaguely heard Qin Jian's words: "let the little things sleep by themselves tomorrow." There was something melancholy in the sound of gnashing teeth.

Anyin didn't hold on and almost woke up laughing.

Qin Jian feels the breathing change of an Yin and looks down at the woman in her arms.

Anyin didn't want him to know that she wasn't asleep, so she tightened her arms and pressed her close to him. At the same time, she buried her face in his neck socket to prevent him from seeing her face.

Her close, let Qin Jian's body a stiff, but the heart is a great comfort, after a while, just long breath, also tightly around her arm, let her more tightly stick to him.

PS: good night. It's warm tonight.

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