Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3329

I didn't expect that an Yin's medicine, just half an hour, made the pain much less.

"You are very good at medicine."

"When your disease is not difficult to treat, as long as the doctors from the normal medical class can control it."

"You don't have to be modest. I've been running outside for so many years. I can tell whether it's good or not."

Qin Jian once said that after anyin was in Africa and he missed it, anyin drifted to Chad and was rescued by Rongxun, and then he remained in Rongxun's army as a military doctor.

It can be seen that anyin is a very self-discipline and progressive person, no matter what the environment, will strive to improve themselves.

An Yin smiles and no longer talks. She goes to the bedside to see Qin Yue.

Qin Yue fell asleep, pursed his mouth, and looked very cute. An Yin couldn't help but smile. She wanted to touch his lovely face, but she didn't dare to wake up the child.

"Thank you and uncle for taking good care of him."

An Yin and Qin Yue together time, found that Qin Yue personality is very cheerful, not because the mother is not around, like the children of single parent families have the same shadow.

What's more, she knew from Qin Yue that Qin Jian'an and his wife had never told their children that his mother might be gone. Instead, she always said that his mother could not come back to see him for the children in poor areas.

He also said that when his mother cured the children, he would come back.

Therefore, although Qin Yue still had some thoughts about not having his mother around, he didn't have any bad feelings. On the contrary, he felt very proud that his mother could not go home to cure other children.

I am grateful to Qin An.

"Will tomorrow's charity activities really not cause you any trouble?"


"I'm not a hospital staff doctor, but a strong man who is pulled by a professor. I can do what I have to do, and I can rest if I don't work."

"Have you ever thought of doing a stable and relaxed job so that you can spend more time with Yue Yue?"

At the thought of anyin's sufferings over the years, dushulan felt miserable.

"Not yet."

The staff on the top floor have no hospital establishment. At least, they are not the staff doctors in their hospitals, but special units directly under the League of nations.

It's all secret work.

After anyin came back, she signed an agreement with the Chinese government and became one of them.

Because of the great mobility of their work, they will not be affiliated with the fixed doctors of any hospital at most, and hide their identity in the name of the hospital.

These are arranged by the state.

Anyin will be attached to a hospital sooner or later, but she doesn't worry about it. Yes, she said that as long as she can be a doctor to save lives, it doesn't matter which hospital she is in.

"Your job is not stable now, and you don't know how they pay you. Usually you have to spend money." Evening Shu Lan let an Yin put aside the bag to her, she took a black card prepared in advance from the bag, handed it to an Yin, "this is unlimited card, is the pocket money that I and your future father-in-law give you."

"No, no, I have money."

"I know you do, but it's our intention. If you don't accept it, you'll see us out." Dushulan knows that Qin Jian will not lose an Yin, but Qin Jian returns to Qin Jian, and they belong to them.

Anyin said nothing, but dushulan insisted on giving it.

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