Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3324

Xiaonenya said here, looked at the direction where feng'er was, and said wrongly: "feng'er's soul has been hit hard again. She is sleepy and sleepless. No one can protect me..."

"I didn't know this would happen..." An Yin was stunned. After reading the manuscript, a thousand possibilities flashed through her mind, but she didn't think of it.

She didn't know when the snakehead in her body was awake or asleep, so she rashly asked the little bud that the snake worm knew the existence of the little bud through her consciousness. Would it be

Anyin's face changed and quickly swept to the left and right, trying to find the snake's consciousness.

But she couldn't feel the viper.

"I'm not afraid of it now," she said

"Are you not afraid of it?"

"I'm not an adult yet, but I'm no longer a toddler. The snake was seriously injured again. Unless it quickly regains all its strength, it won't swallow me up."

Anyin breathed a sigh of relief, "can you get rid of it?"

"It's been hiding. It hasn't tried. However, it is reasonable to say that if I fight it with my strength now, at most I can defeat it a little. If I want to swallow it, I'm afraid I can't

The little tender bud always hopes that the snakehead will come out. Although she can't swallow it, if she can seriously hurt her once more, she will become weaker. When she is weak to a certain extent, she can swallow it.

"What do I need to do?" Anyin has a feeling of seeing the dawn.

"People want ice silkworms..."

"No need to talk about it."

"Well That... " "Can you..."

"What can I do?"

"I want to have a fight with the viper and see where my abilities are."

"If you can't beat it, will you be eaten by it?"

"No "The small tender bud confidently raises the flower bud," my ability now, she is unable to eat. "

"Then fight."

"But I can't find it." When the snake is in the blood of anyin, when it doesn't move, it is like melting into the blood of anyin, and there is no place to find it.

"How can I find it?"

"Well, can you stimulate that snake a little more..."

"How exciting?"

"And San Shao."


"Stimulate it and let it move so that I can feel it and find it."


Xiaonenya said it and said, "but don't let it absorb Yuanyang. It will recover after taking Yuanyang. "


Do you mean to let Qin Jian stop at the critical time, or use a trap?

An Yin's face brush red over the ears, there is a kind of discordant topic with the baby's feeling.

An Yin stealthily glanced at the side, has been looking at her Qin Jian, the whole person is not good.

He coughed gently and turned the topic, "is there any other way?"

Small tender bud slants head, thought for a while, "did not think of temporarily."

"Then think slowly." Anyin went back to see feng'er and withdrew her consciousness.

Qin Jian sees an Yin's face suddenly red like a monkey's buttocks. She doesn't know what's wrong with her. She is worried, but she doesn't dare to disturb anyin. She is afraid that she will be shocked and her divine sense will be damaged.

Finally, I heard an Yin's long breath. Knowing that she had withdrawn her consciousness, she quickly asked, "how is it?"

Anyin rewrote the words of the little tender bud again, and her face became more red, and Qin Jian's eyes did not blink at her, making her more uncomfortable.

But if you don't say so, I'm afraid Qin Jian will worry.

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