Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3308

"Who are you and what do you want? I can give it to you all. " Simon was intelligent and erudite, but not by force. He continued to play dumb.

"Don't pretend. You know who we are, and you should know us a little bit. Let's open the window and tell the truth." Qin Jian squatted down in front of Simon and looked at the man named Simon.

He stayed in 404 for thousands of years. If he was a human, he would be buried 404.

Living to the present, it must be a long-lived alien.

In addition, it will never be a werewolf, or you will not be left in 404 after repairing the underground palace.

Simon knew that he couldn't get out of the way, and the other side said something about it, so he had to insist: "what are you looking for me for?"

"Ask you a few questions."

"What's the problem?"

"Twenty two years ago, Rong Zhen was sucked into 404 and was instructed by an expert to find Gu Luan, who should be you."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I don't know?" Qin Jian's face was as cold as ice.

"I don't know." Simon got a chill on his back.

"It seems that you are old and don't remember something. You need my help." Qin Jian finished and stood up.

"Why How to help? " Simon looked at Qin Jian from the bottom up and was looked down by Qin Jian. He felt crushed.

Qin Jian suddenly kicks Simon over. Before the other party escapes, he puts his foot on Simon's heart and makes a slight effort at his feet. Simonton screams like killing a pig.

"Stop, stop."

Qin Jian removed the strength of his feet and stepped on the other side's heart but didn't take them away. "A nightmare devil wants to play tricks with me. Believe it or not, I'll smash your rotten meat and let you die without a burial place. "

Just like the evil spirit clan, the body of the evil spirit clan is virtual and extremely cunning. The difference is that the evil spirit family is naturally bad, but the evil spirit family does not distinguish between good and evil. They may benefit others or harm others. They do everything without the heart of right and wrong, and just follow their own mind.

In order to transform a demon into a form, it needs a dwelling body, which can be any living creature.

It is not to take possession of others' body, but to reach a contractual relationship with the original owner of the body.

The person who is contracted by the nightmare devil will become a nightmare devil.

However, they can get a lot of the abilities of nightmares, and because of this contract, they can live many more years.

After the death of the original owner of the body, the body belongs to the demon.

Nightmares can continue to use this body.

People will rot after death, but with the support of nightmares, the body organs can still be used for a long time, and they will not rot during that period. In other words, the speed of decay is very slow. If in good condition, it can support hundreds of years or even thousands of years.

Nightmares' favorite host is human.

Qin Jian didn't know what Simon was before he met him.

On the way, he asked Jinpeng to check the information of Mengxi.

Mengxi is not what he is now. Although he studied medicine, he was not excellent.

A few years ago, when I was eating in a stall with others, I met a gas tank explosion and several people at the table were alive. Mengxi was one of them.

Monzie was blown to pieces.

After many plastic surgery, it has become what it is now.

After the accident, his brain suddenly became better, and he changed his name to Mengxi.

Cosmetic surgery, it's normal, but it's not normal to look like Simon.

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