Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3303

"I heard that you have a good relationship with Mu Jinyan." Anyin refused, which was expected by Li kexuan.

"So what?" Hearing Li kexuan mention her brother, an Yin immediately sounded the alarm.

"If something happened to my father, the biggest impact would be on Mu Jinyan." Most of the expenses incurred by chief of staff Li's personal network operation in recent years are based on his remarks.

If chief of staff Li's case is firm and firm, he will certainly find out the source of the fund. Then, the bribery of Mu Jinyan will not be able to escape. Moreover, the amount of money is large enough to make him jailed for life.

Anyin is not clear about her brother's affairs, but mu Shichang and chief of staff Li are wearing a pair of trousers. Her brother has been working for him for years, and the money maker is his brother.

So it is not difficult for an Yin to think of the implication of Li kexuan.

Anyin's heart suddenly tightened.

In order to get rid of Dushi Chang, my brother can do something regardless of his own life and death.

Anyin's heart jumped wildly.

If what Li kexuan said is true, then

Anyin didn't dare to think about it any more.

She was suddenly terrified, but Li kexuan thought that her grandfather and cousin would not have thought of it.

But my grandfather didn't mention it when he faced his brother.

Anyin calmed herself down and kept her face silent. "As for the business of businessmen, it's natural to have contacts from all sides. As for how these contacts are maintained and whether there is anything between them, only they themselves know, and I will not know. Even if Mu Jin Yan is my cousin and has a good relationship with me, it is not something I should worry about for him. I don't know if my cousin has any problems, but what Lieutenant Li said seems to be saying that there is something wrong with your father. "

Li kexuan wants to catch anyin with her words and force an Yin to submit. Unexpectedly, an Yin is still slippery. Her words can't catch anyin, instead, an Yin takes an army.

What she wanted anyin to do, she never had a chance to talk about it.

Li kexuan suppressed her anger, "I underestimated you."

"It was lieutenant Li who looked up to me. If Lieutenant Li had nothing else to do, I would go to work." Anyin finished, and without waiting for Li kexuan to answer, she turned around and left.

Li kexuan grabs an Yin's arm. "Don't you ask me what I want?"

"What does Lieutenant Li want? What does it have to do with me?" "My mother and I are not willing to help you, so there is no reason for you to help me

"What are you doing down here?"

"When I see you, I just want to tell you that my road is not workable. Don't waste your energy and each other's time by doing articles here in the future."

Anyin pulls back the arm that Li kexuan grabbed.

Li kexuan looks at an Yin's background and resents it. Others say that anyin is Rong Xun's cousin. They are brothers and sisters. But she doesn't think so. At least Rongxun's affection for anyin can't be pure brother and sister.

Because she had never seen Rong Xun's heart set on a woman, but Rong Xun had a heart for an Yin.

Rongxun has always been excellent. He has been a major general since he was 23 years old, but he is a very low-key man. In the army, he basically eats the canteen with his subordinates.

In order to see him, she naturally ran to the canteen every day.

One day at noon, the TV in the canteen showed an interview about anyin.

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