Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3293

"Mom, the phone call from Mu Jin Yan." Anyin hands the phone to Rong Zhen.

Rong Zhen was waiting, listening to an Yin's words, immediately picked up the mobile phone, "Jin Yan, I want you to accompany me to eat, but also you accompany me to the street."

Rong Zhen has been reluctant to go out for a long time. She even told him that she wanted to go to the street.

The evening Jin speech in the heart pan open a touch of hard to say taste, surprise mixed with heartache, way: "good."

"I'm not going to the hospital." Rong Zhen's tone is a bit coquettish and a bit shameful.

The evening Jin speech presses down the inner surging, "can't. If you don't listen to an Yin, you can check your body, and I won't accompany you. "

Rong Zhen did not say a word, the evening Jin said: "now give the mobile phone an Yin."

Rong Zhen reluctantly put the mobile phone into an Yin's hand: "here you are."

Brother Ann: "take the phone."

"What else can I do?"

"No, you should pay attention to safety." Anyin doesn't know what Mu Jin Yan did, but she didn't catch it. The potential danger was even more terrible. Every time she couldn't contact Mu Jin Yan, an Yin was very worried.

"Well, so are you."

Anyin hung up and immediately called to make an appointment with Mingjie's classmates.

The answer was that the appointment had been scheduled for a few months.

Move out Mingjie, the other party makes an exception to work overtime to give them a plus sign, let an Yin immediately take people over.

Anyin and Aunt Wang said hello and took Rong Zhen out.

Rong Zhen will be nervous when she goes out. Anyin is afraid that Rong Zhen will suddenly be out of shape and dare not take a taxi. So she calls Mr. Rong to explain the situation. Rongzhen sends a car to send anyin and her son to go for treatment.

After 45 minutes, an Yin walks into the love psychotherapy center with her fear shaking into a sieve.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" The nurses at the gate nurse station are gentle and amiable.

"Hello, we have an appointment with Dr. Meng. The patient's surname is Rong."

"Doctor Meng is waiting for you. Please follow me."

The nurse led an Yin and Rong Zhen into the doctor's office.

Dr. Meng, whose full name is Mengxi, is a thin man in his thirties.

Anyin didn't think much when listening to Mingjie talking about the word "Mengxi", but when looking at these two words, she felt that she couldn't say it.

Always feel these two words are very familiar.

But the man in front of him, he has never met.

Mengxi motioned to them to sit down. "I've heard Mingjie talk about your situation. I know something about it. But I still need you to explain in detail, so that I can know more about the patient

Anyin told her mother's symptoms again.

When she said this, monzi listened very carefully and said, "her condition is indeed autistic, but selective amnesia is very rare at present. She is now in a state of escape. If she wants to be cured, she must first open her heart knot. "

"What should we do?"

"I know you are very afraid to let her get hurt again, so you are very careful not to stimulate her. But in some cases, stimulation is the best treatment. "


"not bad." Mengxi is just an Yin's eyes. "Sometimes she repeats what she is afraid of, or if she is afraid to put things in front of him or her, his nerves will arouse memories instead."

"But I don't want him or her to recover her memory. I just want her to be normal."

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