Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3287

She doesn't care about Pearl's life and death at all, and she doesn't want to tell Qin Jian. She just doesn't let her know that Mu Jin Yan and Qin Jian join hands, but she doesn't know. She is a little bitter.

What she wanted to do with the imperial edict must not be known to guluan.

In the face of gain and loss, she will naturally choose to submit.

"Where is she?"

Linglong takes out a piece of incense, drops a drop of blood on the incense, and then passes the fragrance to Qin Jian.

Qin Jian took over, "how to use it?"

Linglong said: "ignite incense, you can lock her position, I can directly use Dun Shu to her side. You can't escape, you can only find it according to her location. I don't think the young master of Qin's family can't find a person after ordering this fragrance. "

Qin Jian said, "thank you."

"Is there anything else?"


"In that case, I'll leave."

Qin Jian nodded.

Linglong turns to look at the evening Jin speech, the evening Jin speech to her slightly a forehead head, is to thank, Linglong looked sad, forced to smile, "although our agreement is over, but somehow we know each other, will not add the opportunity to meet, are not there?"

The evening Jin speech shallow smile, "I this person comes to care about gain and loss now, have no good thing, will never help."

The implication is that there is no interest between them, so there is no need to go back.

Linglong took a deep breath, long expected the result, but to this day, but can not say the heart plug.

Take a deep breath and leave.

Mu Jin said the door behind her opened, and Bokun got down from the car, "young master, why don't you directly ask Linglong, the whereabouts of Simon, but go round and round to find pearls?"

Mu Jin said: "in those years, Linglong's mind has been put on Gu Luan. She has been guarding Gu Luan all day. She seldom asks about other things and seldom walks around. On the contrary, her two maidens run errands for her and are very familiar with 404. Otherwise, they could not follow the imperial edict to leave 404. Zhao Yan left 404 process, they all see in the eye, so, ask Linglong, it is estimated that will ask three do not know, and pearl will know

"So it is." Bokun suddenly realized, "when are we looking for pearls?"

"Now." Qin Jian put the incense on a stone, took out a lighter and lit it.

The bloody smoke dispersed to reveal a picture.

A middle-aged woman dressed like a vegetable lady, with her hands in her pocket and a plastic bag with food on her wrist, stood at the entrance of a small lane with her hands in her pocket. She looked around warily, but no one was following her, so she got into a narrow door in the alley.

The big mask covered her face with only a pair of eyes, but Qin Jian still recognized the middle-aged woman as pearl.

Qin Jian recorded the video and destroyed the incense.

Then he sent the video to Jin Peng: "find this place."

Jin Peng cut off the background of the video, input level.

It's just a little bit of video, and the background is also very limited. It's almost impossible to compare that place with someone else based on this limited background.

But Jin Peng connected the background to the car's satellite navigation system and used the satellite to search the physical map.

An hour later, Jinpeng sent the results of the comparison to Qin Jian.

Qin Jian got the address and said to Mu Jin, "I found it." Conveniently sent the address to Mu Jin Yan.

Mu Jin said to open the mobile phone, glance at the address, "go."

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