Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3277


This is a century old store. Their double skin milk is famous. Anyin has come before and studied their formula.

After sitting down, uncle Fu asked Mr. Qin what to eat. Mr. Qin said that he could make himself at home. Uncle Fu gave an Yin the menu.

Anyin is not gluttonous, but she has a good cooking skill and is good at desserts. It is most suitable for anyin to take orders.

Anyin did not refuse and took over the menu.

Mr. Qin likes to eat some sweet food. Since double skin milk is the brand of this family, he ordered a double skin milk for Mr. Qin and uncle Fu, as well as a muffin easy to bite.

For fear that they would get tired of eating too many sweets, they added two cups of green tea.

Then he ordered double skin milk and small milk cake.

Qin Jian didn't like sweets, so she ordered beef powder and lemonade.

She herself accompanied her son to eat double skin milk and milk cake.

Looking at an Yin returning the recipe to the waiter, Mr. Qin sighed that after three years, the child still remembered their preferences.

He did not ignore him because he had a complex mind.

"Daddy, I need to pee." Qin Yue jumped out of the chair, he is a boy, urine did not go to entangle an Yin.

Uncle Fu said, "I'll take him."

"No, I'll go." Qin Jian took Qin Yue's little hand and left.

"I'll wash my hands." Uncle Fu also left, leaving Mr. Qin and an Yin a little time alone.

Mr. Qin looked at him, "an Yin, to tell you the truth, Qin Jian's cup is also the thorn in your heart?"

An Yin lowered her eyelids and looked gloomy.

Qin said: "if I don't care about this, don't say you won't believe it. Even I can't convince myself. But now that the matter has come to an end, resentment is no longer useful. We should work together to see if we can break this bureau. Everyone is happy to be able to break. I don't know what will happen in the future. I can't guarantee that I won't hate you, but I don't want to think about it now... "

Before is to think too much, will force Qin Jian and he to leave the heart.

If there is anything, an Yin hates herself. How can she think that the old man doesn't blame her, "master, thank you for your pertinence. I am a deadly poison to him, but I still want to be with the third young master. However, I want to do only two things, one is to find a way to solve the cup, the other is to take Yueyue well. Other things, such as helping him or something, I don't want to do, maybe I don't have the energy to do it, or I'm selfish But that's exactly what I think. So, I can't promise you. Sorry... "

Mr. Qin took a deep breath. The girl in front of him grew up.

Now, her face is still particularly young, just look at her appearance, it seems that she is not twenty.

But through her beautiful skin bag, he could feel her fatigue.

He had heard about her experience in Africa. After so many years of escape and so many terrible things, it is a miracle that she can survive. There is no fatigue.

"Because of my tyranny, my son and daughter-in-law will no longer return to Qin's house. A person's energy is limited. If I care about the family's affairs, I will naturally neglect the family's affairs. Therefore, Qin's house has developed a lot of messy things. I don't know those things, but I'm just too lazy to pay attention to them. But the mess I made will not be cleaned up by others. "

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