Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3275

"Anyin, you've been very smart since you were young. We won't talk about right and wrong, right and wrong. I just want to ask you whether you are willing to enter our Qin family."

An Yin is silent.

Big families have big family lifestyles. They don't just live by themselves. They have to deal with all kinds of social activities and influences outside.

Not to mention the outside, but to the inside of the Qin family. There are three branches here.

In addition to Qin Jian's long dead grandmother, there are also two old ladies. Under each room, there are children and grandchildren. Qin's interpersonal relationship is complex, and she has grown up since childhood.

It's a family. In fact, people wear a mask face to face.

Maybe others yearn for a powerful family, but she is very clear that living in such an environment is very tired.

She had been through so many lives and lives, and she was already exhausted, and what she had to do was not yet in sight. She could not take care of it.

She was willing to be with Qin Jian, but she didn't want to be bound by the Qin family, and she didn't want to get involved in all kinds of open and secret struggles of the Qin family.

"Anyin, I know I won't want to, and I know the things before, which will make you have a heart knot. But Qin Jian is the successor of Qin family after all, and he needs a person to support him."

Dumbo's bell rings to time.

Qin Yue's flying elephant riding on Qin Jian just turned around. Seeing Qin's father and an Yin, he immediately waved to them happily.

Two people immediately smile to respond to Qin Yue, Qin no longer talk about it, waving at him.

Qin Jian came down from the flying elephant with Qin Yue in his arms and went to the exit.

Mr. Qin went to the exit to meet Qin Yue.

Anyin suddenly said, "master, you should know what it means to be with the third young master with me."

"You know what it means, but don't you still have to be together? I've done what I want to do, what I should do, and nothing changes in the end. Why do I have to do that again

What Mr. Qin said clearly was a fact, but it made an Yin's heart full of five flavors.

Yes, she dodged and escaped, but eventually she was with him.

No matter what the process is, the result is the same.

"If one day Qin Jian died because of me, can you still say that?" An Yin looks straight into the eyes of Mr. Qin. She doesn't want to ask for a death free card for the future, but some words are better than being bored in the heart.

Father Qin's body was stiff for a moment, but Qin Jian had already carried Qin Yue out of the exit. After all, he didn't say anything. He just stretched out his hand to Qin Yue, "Yueyue is good, come here to granddad."

Qin Yue happily threw himself into his arms.

Mu Shulan said that he would give all that he had not given to Qin Xuan. Therefore, Qin Jian'an and his wife often return him to the amusement park, and Mr. Qin would take him out to play. These amusement facilities are not uncommon for him, but he is very excited today.

Mr. Qin didn't say it, but he saw it in his eyes. He knew that Qin Yue was so happy because he was with his parents.

A child's life will be bleak without his father or his mother.

Qin Laozi holding Qin Yue to the next facility, uncle Fu quickly followed up.

Qin Jian looks down at an Yin and holds her hand and looks at her with a smile.

From the front came the voice of Qin Yue, "Daddy, mummy, come on."

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