Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3273

Qin Laozi didn't let the bodyguard follow him. He only took uncle Fu to the ticket window. He saw an Yin squatting on one side talking to Qin Yue. He felt a little flustered, but he didn't stop at his feet. Instead, he accelerated his speed and went to an Yin and Qin Yue, "Yue Yue."

Qin Yue looked back and saw Qin Laozi, "grandfather."

Anyin was facing Qin Laozi. He didn't see him coming. When he heard the voice, he saw him and uncle Fu. He quickly stood up, "master, uncle Fu."

There was a trace of complexity between his looks, but just for a moment, he said with a smile: "I haven't been to such a place for decades."

Uncle Fu said, "yes, I came here when I was a little boy."

Anyin didn't answer. She thought that when Qin Jian was young, apart from learning, it was training. It was a childhood without childhood. Places like amusement parks should be isolated from him.

In fact, anyin's idea is not wrong. Qin took Qin Jian to the amusement park, but he could count his five fingers.

Uncle Fu said, "I'll buy the ticket."

Qin Yue said: "daddy went to line up."

Li Yue wanted to take Qin Yang to the amusement park temporarily, so he didn't want to take them to the amusement park.

Mr. Qin and uncle Fu looked at the ticket window and soon saw Qin Jian who was taking the ticket out of the window.

Qin Jian got the ticket, looked at the old man Qin, and then came over, "old man, uncle Fu."

"Third young master."

Mr. Qin looked at the tickets in his hand. Qin Jian should have more than three tickets.

When he entered the door, there were many people, but he was small. Qin Jian was afraid of crowding him. He picked him up and put his shoulder on his shoulder. He supported him with one hand and an Yin's shoulder with the other. He said, "let's go."

Uncle Fu asked, "is the ticket enough?"

Qin Jian: "enough."

Mr. Qin was relieved, and Qin Jian bought their tickets, indicating that he did not reject him.

Qin Jian bought a package ticket, as long as the conditions attached, all the items in the playground can be played.

Qin Jian'an and his wife often bring Qin Yue to play. When Qin Yue enters the door, he shows his father the way and goes to the three-story luxury Trojan horse not far ahead.

Mr. Qin wanted to know what an Yin thought, but he knew that some things could not come in a hurry, so he had to ease the atmosphere first.

Moreover, Qin Yue didn't go out with him for a long time. Since he came here, he just wanted to accompany him first and make him happy, and then talk about other things.

It's not the weekend. There are relatively few people in the amusement park. They don't need to wait for a long time. The three generations of grandparents and grandchildren go to battle together, and all of them sit on the Trojan horse.

Mr. Qin once sat on this thing several decades ago, and the previous Trojan horse was so simple that it was not as magnificent as the present one. When the time came, his legs became soft and he felt carsick.

An Yin handed a bottle of water to Mr. Qin, "master, are you ok?"

"It's OK. It's OK." Mr. Qin's face turned pale, but he pretended to be nothing.

Qin Yue listened to master Qin saying that he was OK. He immediately took his parents to play with Dumbo.

When he got off the Trojan horse, he was still a little dizzy. Looking at the little flying statue left in the air, he felt numb on his scalp, but when he opened the door, he walked in without hesitation.

Qin Laozi is a lot of age. Anyin is afraid that the old man will make trouble and stop him.

PS: if you want to go on a business trip for a few days, you can rest assured that you will not be broken. good night.

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