Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3264

Even if Qin Jian and Mu Jin use their contacts to delete and paste, they will still be seen, and then rumors will be more and more disorderly.

Now the kids are young and don't understand that.

But in another two years, these things into his eyes, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not hurt the child.

Anyin knows that to participate in kindergarten activities with Qin Jian and Qin Yue is to disclose his life experience to the public.

The mother of the child has existed like a fan for more than two years. Her appearance will naturally arouse the attention of all parties, and the marriage between her and Qin Jian will also be discovered.

A sound family will be the best protection for Qin Yue.

On the contrary, if they don't get married, they will get married later.

Anyin can't help but stop cutting vegetables.

For the sake of Qin Yue, it is time for her and Qin Jian to get married. But an Yin is silent when she thinks of Qin Jian's wish to give her soul.

In the past, Geng mu'an took out the envelope for her, which was handed to her by Geng Muan

Anyin cleans her hands, takes the envelope and pulls out an invitation letter from it.

"The old man wants to invite you to drink tea," she said

Because of Qin Jian's affairs, dushulan has always had a problem with him. Unless something really happened, she would not associate with him.

But anyin and Qin Jian's business is her heart disease, so the old man found her, explained the purpose, she did not refuse to help him hand over the invitation.

Although anyin was adopted by Qin Jian, and even though she ate from Qin Jian, she always lived in Qin's house.

Mr. Qin is the head of the family.

During her years in Qin's residence, Mr. Qin was very kind to her.

Later, because of the affair of the twilight family, she objected to her and Qin Jian together. She did put forward some demands on her, but it was really the twilight family who committed crimes first, and she did not resent Mr. Qin.

Mr. Qin personally pasted her, and she couldn't help going.

"I have to look at the hospital arrangements."

Although she had to go at the invitation of Mr. Qin, she could not ignore the hospital affairs in order to keep the appointment.

"The old man said, if you like, the time and place are up to you, so you can arrange the right time. The phone calls of the old man, uncle Fu and mother Liu have not changed. "

Anyin was brought up by Uncle Fu, and mother Liu took care of her since childhood. Her relationship with Uncle Fu and her mother Liu is very special.

Their phone call, an Yin died will not forget, nodded, and then said: "Yueyue this parent-child activities, I will not participate, or you go."

He and Qin Jian together to participate in the activities, of course, can make Qin Yue happy.

But Qin Yue is happy. What can Qin do?

Between making Qin Yue happy for a while and not giving Qin Jian the chance to give up his life, she chose the latter.

Although Professor Xiang said that as long as she refused and had a rejection mentality, this would not work.

However, there is no absolute thing in the world. She doesn't know whether Qin Jian has found a way to ignore her exclusion.

Although, if he really found a way, they get married or not, he can force it.

However, if she did not marry him, she would not belong to the Qin family, and Qin could not interfere in her actions.

Without Qin's protection, Qin Jian would be worried about her safety.

She gambled that he was not at ease, and that he did not dare to end his life easily.

Unless, you know, he's on his deathbed.

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