Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3260

An Yin did not speak, but followed the evening Jin speech.

Out of the gate of the Research Institute, an Yin stands by the car of evening Jin Yan.

Mu Jin Yan looks down at her younger sister standing in front of her. An Yin is angry with Rongxun. She is also angry with Mu Jin. She lowers her head and says nothing. She doesn't look at her.

"Still angry?" sighed Mu Jin

An Yin closed her mouth tightly.

Mu Jin said: "in fact, what my grandfather said is not unreasonable. It's worth sacrificing a few years of life for the peace of all. "

An Yin couldn't bear to go on. She looked up and looked at the eyes of Mu Jin's words, "it's worth it, but have you ever thought about my feelings? How can I live the rest of my life with my relatives on my back? "

When an Yin said this, her tears fell down. "It's better to give my body to feng'er directly, as long as feng'er devours my soul and let her live."

"Anyin, don't talk stupid. Let's think about something else. " Evening Jin said to step forward, take an Yin's shoulder, put her in the arms, "there must be other ways."

An Yin slightly raised her head and swallowed the tears in her eyes, "don't mention the matter of changing souls in the future, otherwise, I will never see you again in my life."

"Well, let's not talk about it." "If you don't agree with her, it's better if you don't agree with her."

Mention of Qin Jian, an Yin's heart is even more blocked, nodded, from the evening Jin words in the arms of the retreat, "I'm gone."


The evening Jin speech looks at an Yin to go to Qin Jian side, just open the door to get on the car.

After getting on the bus, he didn't leave immediately. Instead, he looked at an Yin from the rearview mirror. Seeing her sad, he felt very bad.

In one corner of the rearview mirror, I see Rong Xun in his car. He also doesn't leave. He also looks at an Yin through the glass.

He did not have much contact with Rongxun, but he could feel Rongxun's Thoughts on anyin, but anyin had his own heart.

But this kind of thing can only be digested by Xun himself.

Anyin gets on the car and quietly fastens her seat belt.

Qin Jian stood under the car and looked at her for a while. Seeing that she refused to even look at him, he looked gloomy. He closed the door, went around the front of the car, sat in the cab, and said, "if you allow me, you don't have to pay too much attention to it. It's up to you. "

An Yin only said "um.".

Qin Jian took a look at her and started the car.

His car left the Research Institute, and Mu Jin Yan and Rong Xun's car followed.

Qin Jian and Mu Jin Yan are back to Jinsha bend, two cars on the same road.

An Yin through the rearview mirror, looking at the car behind, the more sad.

In my life, can't I think about myself?

He was less than seven years old, was infected by the virus, not only lost the ability to walk, but also in the onset of the disease extremely painful.

With such a body, for the sake of his family, his mother, and the demons of Dushi Chang, he has suffered a lot all his life, regardless of whether he is physically or mentally abused.

Now he finally drives Dushi Chang out of his home, but he grinds her to change her soul.

Didn't he know that his efforts would only hurt her?

Doesn't he know that she can't be happy until he has a good life?

And Qin Jian.

Anyin forced herself to look out of the window instead of Qin Jian.

He thought he was dead, could she live well?

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