Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3251

The imperial edict said: "when the murderer was put on the guillotine, he did not want to seek forgiveness, but felt guilty."

"Guilty? Is guilt useful? "

"No use."

"Since you know it's no use, you should know that no matter who you are, you have to pay for what you do. Isn't Ji Yue afraid of extermination? Then, I'll let her know what extermination is. "

Zhao Yan's hand on the side of the body clenched into a fist, not hate, but pain.

According to the imperial edict, Rong Zhen gave Qin Jian a cup. What was wrong with Qin? What was the root of the Qin family.

They cut off the roots of other people's races, and why should they ask others to let them go.

But he and his mother did wrong, can not let those innocent people to bear.

The imperial edict took a deep breath and said, "give me a little time. I will go back to 404 after I have dealt with the matter here. I'll give you an account with my mother. "

"Tell me?" Qin Jian sneered, "what can you give me? Is it to return the soul to anyin, or to untie the cup in my body

"Maybe it's all possible." The imperial edict met Qin's cold eyes.

"Do you think I'll believe you?"

"I didn't learn kung fu in the shadow clan. I had two teachers when I was a child, one was a human being..." When Zhao Yan said this, he felt a pain in front of his eyes. The man was actually his father, "and the other was a mountain ghost for ten thousand years. However, 404 creatures think that mountain ghosts are disaster stars and bring bad luck to people, so they always kill one after another. Therefore, I never told anyone about the Mountain Ghost as a teacher, even Lu Bing and Hua Xiao at that time did not know. My master is well-informed. There should be a way to find him. "

"You also said that mountain ghosts kill one after another. How many years have you left 404. Don't say that I can't believe you. Even if I do, dare you say that he is still alive? Besides, I don't know what to do today or tomorrow. No one knows when I can live. I have no time to wait for you, and I don't want to wait. I'm here today just to ask you to give Ji Yue a word. If she owes me, I'll ask for it with interest and capital. It's imperative for me to fight with her. Let her have any tricks. Don't be aggressive and say that I have bullied you. "

"Why do you think I can reach my mother?"

Qin Jian looked at the imperial edict, "because it is exquisite."

Linglong has been looking for Zhaoyan.

Zhao Yan contacted Linglong, but Linglong didn't do anything about him on the spot. It must be something that Zhao Yan and Linglong have made.

Then Zhao Yan and Linglong will not be disconnected, and Linglong can go in and out of 404.

The imperial edict was silent, and the successor of the werewolf family must be smart, but Qin Jian's cleverness was beyond his expectation.

Qin Jian doesn't need his reply. He looks back at Mingjie waiting outside the door and turns to the door.

This is the second day after the operation, the body is still very weak, said this for a long time, has some can not support.

As a doctor, Mingjie would like to remind Qin Jian that the patient needs a rest. However, he has always been afraid of Qin Jian and dare not go in and disturb him. He can only stand outside the door in a hurry. When he sees Qin Jian come out, he breathes a sigh of relief.

When Qin Jian approached, opened the door, entered the observation room, looked at the bed, and saw that all kinds of instruments were normal, he was completely relieved.

Qin Jian said, "thank you."

Mingjie said, "I'm acting according to the instructions from the top. Don't thank me."

PS: good night, babies. Good dream.

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