Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3249

"It's your duty. That's what you should do." An Yin's tone is flat, and can't hear joy and anger.

Although the nurses knew anyin, anyin didn't laugh a few days after she arrived in the hospital. Anyin hardly laughed and talked a lot. She talked to everyone about something. They all thought that anyin was relying on her being Xiang Shaolong's apprentice, so she ignored others.

Therefore, they all feel that an Yin is not easy to get along with. Listening to anyin's words, they can't see her joy and anger. They don't know whether she has uncovered this matter or written it down. They are beating a small drum in their hearts and looking at Mingjie.

Mingjie realized that he didn't inform the top floor in time, which caused misunderstanding. He even said, "it's my negligence. It's me who should say I'm sorry. Now that the misunderstanding is over, I'm going to do something. "

Then he turned and left.

Mingjie is a good-natured person. People from all over the world like to get along with him.

The nurse watched Mingjie go away, and then looked at an Yin. She felt that anyin was arrogant and difficult to get along with.

Anyin doesn't want to explain. She enters the ward.


Qin Jian stood beside the hospital bed and waited for the door of the observation room to close before he said, "you should know who I am, don't you?"

"Yes." The imperial edict looks gloomy.

"Now that you know, I hope you can answer me a few questions truthfully." An Yin's life experience, if he does not have a little resentment, it is self deception.

"You ask."

"You forced Rong Zhenhuai's anyin to report to Ji Yue, right?"

The imperial edict was silent.

"Mr. Zhao Yan, silence can't solve the problem. As a man, you have to admit and face what you do

"I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm just ashamed."

"I don't want to say if I'm sorry. After all, I've done some things. I don't regret taking the medicine. You have to answer my question now. "


"When you did this, you didn't think how painful and difficult Rong Zhen would be?"

Qin Jian's eyes were covered with ice.

The answer has been known for a long time, but Qin Jian's own ears still feel prickly. If he is still like this, an Yin will feel more uncomfortable.

"I'm not trying to save myself." Some words have been covered in the imperial edict for more than 20 years. If he could, he would rather not say them all his life.

For he made iniquity, and it was as if he were excusing himself by speaking those words.

He didn't want to be seen as sophistry.

But since he went to Rong family, he knew that even if he covered those things, Rongzhen would not be better.

"What is that?" Qin Jian was staring at the imperial edict. Because of Ji Yue's fault, he didn't trust the imperial edict. Every word he said, he had to distinguish it according to his own feelings.

"At that time, Dushi Chang had already killed her. Of course, if he wants to "kill" a person, he doesn't have to let that person die. He just needs to do something to make that person "dead."

Qin Jian pursed his lips.

He has always been at the top of genetic research. It is not difficult to make a person a "vegetable". To be a "vegetative person" is not the same as "dead".


"So I did that to let my mother know that I had an accident, and then try to protect the three of them."

Qin Jian smile, the corner of his mouth is not covered up ridicule, "it seems that you do not understand your mother."

Ji Yue doesn't care about the life and death of Rong Zhen and an Yin. She only cares about her son.

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