Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3234

Wu Ling is a member of Dongge. She has been with anyin for many years. Wu Ling knows most of the things about him and anyin in in Dongge. So when Wu Ling comes here, an Yin will not be too uncomfortable.

Wu Ling saw an Yin's clothes, already knew, she pretended to be aware of anything, pushed the mobile clothes rack into the bedroom.

An Yin embarrassed way: "I should have clothes next door."

"The clothes next door are all old clothes. You are thinner than before. Those clothes are not suitable for the upper body. Try these first."

Wu Ling has already sent her clothes. Anyin can't keep Wu Ling out of the door. What's more, she used to wear clothes when she was at school. But now she works in the hospital, and her clothes are too student-like. So she goes to the bathroom and changes them.

The size is really a little smaller than her previous clothes, and the upper body fits perfectly.

Downstairs, there is no one in the living room, the voice of Qin Yue comes from the kitchen.

Anyin goes to the kitchen.

The kitchen is open and connected to the dining room.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I saw Qin Jian'an sitting at the table reading the newspaper, while dushulan was cooking in front of the stove, while Qin Jian and Qin Yue were on the other side and didn't know what to do.

As soon as an Yin went in, everyone looked at her. Qin Jian'an beamed at her with a gentle look. Qin Yue immediately called out, "good morning, Mommy."

Evening Shulan also gentle smile way: "can eat immediately."

Qin Jian didn't say anything, but after she appeared, her eyes were always on her body, and even a fool could see the tenderness in her eyes.

An Yin's face suddenly red, and quickly called people one by one, and then apologized: "sorry, I got up late..."

Dushu Lan said: "you are so thin now, we still want you to sleep more and take good care of yourself."

An Yin smile embarrassed, came forward, "what do I do?"

"No, it's all done." Evening Shu Lan block, do not let an Yin help.

An Yin helpless, can only go to Qin Jian father and son, "Yue Yue, what are you doing?"

Qin Yue said: "surprise for mummy."

An Yin quickly looked at Qin Jian, Qin Jian can not understand the play, an Yin had to ask: "what surprise?"

Qin Yue help to do mysterious do not say, "in a moment, mummy will know."

An Yin smiles, looks at this family, suddenly has a kind of warm feeling.

When the oven stopped, Qin Yue immediately slid down from the high stool, went straight to the oven, looked up at dushulan happily, and said, "grandma, OK."

Evening Shu Lan touched Qin Yue's small head and said in a soft voice, "yes, OK."

Qin Yue immediately turned his head and said to an Yin, "Mommy, don't look at it."

An Yin: "then I turn around?"

Qin Yue thought: "blindfold good."

Qin Jian pulls out the chair and asks an Yin to sit down. After an Yin sits down, her hands cover her eyes.

Qin Yue saw an Yin blindfolded eyes, immediately looked at the evening Shulan, "grandma quick."

Mu Shulan cooperatively opens the oven and takes out a small cake. Then she picks up the little man she pinched with her father and puts it on it. She holds it carefully in front of anyin and puts it on tiptoe on the table.

Qin Jian was afraid that he couldn't reach it. He knocked over the cake and protected it carefully.

Qin Yue put the cake on the table, climbed on the chair, then pushed the cake to an Yin, "Mommy, you can open your eyes."

An Yin opens her eyes and there is a cake in front of her.

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