Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3230

Looking at the close in front of the evening Jin speech, blowing half a day of cold wind's meager effect instantly turned into ash.

But now Lin Lin, after all, is in her twenties. Influenced by an Yin, she has more contact with human beings. She is not as closed and ignorant as she was when she was 18 years old. She doesn't know what to do when she encounters something.

After staying for a while, I think of what the economic man said. Sometimes, I can talk about something casually. Even if other people don't understand and feel embarrassed, they can also hide their uneasiness.

This, of course, was directly in her ear.

Because she has been used to being alone, even in front of a large number of people, she can make herself feel that there is no one around

But at this time, inexplicably thinking of the economic man, I felt that I could have a try. I took a mouthful of water and tried to open my mouth: "do you live here tonight?"

"Well." Evening Jin speech from the pocket to take out a pack of cigarettes, turn to ask her, "mind?"

Lin Lin looked at the smoke in his room and was surprised. He even smoked

She remembered that he didn't smoke before.

Lin Lin did not answer Mu Jin's words, but asked: "you When did you start smoking? "

The evening Jin speech is silent for a moment, did not answer, put the cigarette back in the pocket.

He smoked after the last meeting with Lin Lin. that night, after Lin Lin left, he smoked.

At that time, he didn't have any cigarettes, and the cigarettes still belonged to his second uncle.

He never smoked. He smoked a lot that night. He was drunk and suffered for several days.

For others, after suffering, they won't touch them again, but they just smoke like this.

However, he is not addicted to cigarettes, but when he is upset, he will have one.

Lin Lin saw the evening Jin speech did not answer, thinking that she mostly asked questions that should not be asked, and then silent.

After a meeting, Mu Jin said softly, "are you free next Saturday afternoon?"

He asked someone to check the schedule of Lin Lin's school. She won't have class next Saturday afternoon.

Lin Lin calculated the time, "yes."

Evening Jin words from the pocket to take out a gold card, across the balcony handed in the past, "this is for you."

"What is this?" Lin Lin confuses and takes over.

"Diamond VIP card of dizun club. Come here if you're free on Monday afternoon

Dizun club is the best boxing club in Seoul. The requirements for membership are very high. In addition, unlike other boxing clubs, dizun will invite some famous boxers to act as agents. They do not engage in these activities. However, because dizun has the best facilities, many well-known competitions are often held here.

Therefore, it also attracts many top boxers to come here for training.

Therefore, even though emperor Zun never engaged in any agency, he has an unshakable position in the boxing field.

Lin Lin also played several games in dizun.

However, she is affected by her personality. She seldom trains with other people outside the club except for competitions, so she has not opened VIP in dizun.

In addition to playing games, only members can enter dizun.

Lin Lin turned the card over and over, "are you a member of dizui?"

"Well." In fact, he is not a member, but a boss.

He is a "disabled" can have such good Kung Fu, all of which are trained by the devil here.

"I will. But if your fiancee knows about it, will she be more concerned? " Although Lin Lin has heard that Mu Jinyan and Linglong are engaged for profit, their engagement continues to now. For more than three years, she is not sure whether Mu Jinyan will fall in love with each other because of the change.

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