Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3203

However, he was slow, and Lin Lin followed him, always keeping a distance from him.

To the parking lot.

Still staying at the airport, the reporter suddenly saw Lin Lin Lin's side face and called, "look, is that Lin Lin?"

Lin Lin's face changed.

If she is photographed by the reporter and the evening Jin speech together, do not know what demon moth will appear again, immediately turn away.

All of a sudden, his wrist tightened and he was pulled by a strong force.

Lin Lin looked up, but saw the evening Jin speech low head, glanced at her, and then his arm around her shoulder, took her into the arms.

The evening Jin speech tall, Lin Lin 168's stature in front of him specially petite, is grasped by him, the entire face has covered.

Lin Lin was held by the evening Jin words, the whole body of blood gushed up on the top of the head, the brain directly broken pieces, let the evening Jin words embrace her to go forward.

The reporter did not see the face, but refused to give up. He picked up the camera and chased for photos.

Suddenly two came out and stood in front of the camera.

Before the reporter could press the shutter, the figure of a man and a woman in front of the camera suddenly turned into a man with a face. He was stunned for a moment and looked up to see two men standing in front of him.

One of the men laughed at him and said, "what are you shooting?"

"Shoot Lin Lin Lin."

"What Lin Lin Lin?"


The man interrupted the reporter, "that's our eldest lady, not Lin Lin. don't shoot, or we'll make you eat more than you can eat."

Reporters do not know who these two are, but from the face of the other side can see that the person is not good.

Reporters rely on materials to eat, but not to rob the news, regardless of safety.

Besides, the girl only flashed a side face. He felt like Lin Lin Lin, but he didn't see it clearly. If it wasn't Lin Lin, he didn't expect to get it, and he was beaten for a while, so he had to put down the camera.

The two did not let the reporter go like this. Instead, they grabbed his camera and checked the photos. They did not get Lin Lin Lin and Mu Jin Yan and then returned the camera to the reporter.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Jin Yan has taken Lin Lin around several cars, walked to his car, opened the door, opened the back door, protected Lin Lin on the car, closed the door, opened the trunk, put the trunk in, and then got on the car.

Let Lin Lin sit in the back to avoid being photographed.

Lin Lin was scared by the reporter, and was held cold by the evening Jin, the whole brain is not online, sitting in the car, but also flustered, her face is like a fire, hot enough to fry fried eggs.

Mu Jin said to fasten the seat belt, raised his eyes, from the rearview mirror to the line of sight of Lin Lin, Lin Lin Lin looked at a pair of eyes in the rearview mirror, the heart beat faster.

The evening Jin speech static looked at her for a while, way: "have not congratulated you to have won the champion again."

Won the championship again?

Lin was shocked.

Although she was in high school, Mu Jin Yan saw a game she had won, but she always felt that he was not referring to the competition at that time.

The evening Jin speech also does not explain, takes back the sight, started the car.

The car passed by the reporter.

Lin Lin looked at the camera in the reporter's hand through the window and was worried, "I don't know if it has been photographed."

Mu Jin said: "it's OK. Someone will deal with it."

"Who is it?"

Lin Lin was drawn into her arms just now. She didn't see the two blocking the reporters. At this time, she looked at three people standing outside the car, thinking that they were with the reporter.

"The two men guarding the reporters are my men."

PS: Thank you, Nicole. I'm a fairy. I'm a fairy. I've got two alliance leaders for their awards. It's a pity that my hands are still in treatment now, so I can't add any more ~ ~ good night ~ ~

thank you www.mylovenovel.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!