Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3185

Fortunately, the lock is not the same.

Anyin gently fiddled with the secret lock on the lucky bead. She was too nervous. She knew that the lock could be opened easily, but it took a long time to find the right position. When the secret lock was untied silently, anyin's heart would jump out of her chest.

Open the lucky bead and take out the wooden bead inside. Anyin's eyes are red.

Staring at the bead, she left the cave and tied it to her child's ankle.

Why are the beads here?


"Where did the beads come from?"

"When I saw Yue, he wore this red rope with a lucky bead on his feet. Anyin, Yueyue is our son... "

Anyin's mind is full of the baby body eaten by wild boars. Looking at the little man in Qin Jian's arms, she is in a trance and can't tell whether she is hallucinating or what.

"I saw the baby being eaten by a boar. Why is that so?"


Anyin's mind is not clear now, but she is also aware of what she has done wrong. After leading herself away from the pursuit, she goes back to find aunt Yang and tells her story again.

When Qin Jian was searching the mountain, he also saw the baby eaten by wild boar. At that time, the wild boar had been killed.

At that time, he was looking for an Yin and his son. When he saw the baby who had been gnawed out of shape, he was also scared out of a cold sweat.

But he was rational in nature, and under the pressure of all kinds of shock and pain that seemed to come out of his body, he carefully examined the baby's body.

We found that the baby bodies were not just dead. When we looked around, we found that there were baby bodies on other trees. We understood that this was a way of burying the Tu people.

He was greatly frightened by that incident, so he had a deep memory. Listening to an Yin's words, he knew that an Yin saw the dead baby. He was flustered because he had given birth to the baby in that environment at that time. He couldn't see the dead baby clearly and thought that the child died under the boar's mouth.

Qin Jian had a sharp pain in her chest. How painful she should have been. He could not imagine what she had lived on for more than two years.

"Anyin, I'm sorry, I couldn't find you."

After more than three years of suffering, I thought that all kinds of pain after the loss of the child, with Qin Jian's sorry, instantly dissipated and turned into a strong heartache.

Anyin shakes her head. There are so many people. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find someone who has no news. Besides, she has been hiding, and even the local forces have not been able to find her, let alone him.

I want to reach for the baby, but I dare not.

It's not that I can't believe Qin Jian. It's really a surprise. It's so sudden that it makes her feel unreal.

Afraid of all this, just a dream, and there are too many questions to ask clearly.

She was afraid of any misunderstanding.

The child is too small, very simple, and easy to be injured. If you recognize the child directly, if you make a mistake, you will hurt the child.

"Where did you see the child?"

Qin Jian explained the situation at that time

After hearing this, an Yin was dejected. He found the place, but she and he passed by like this.

Fortunately, he arrived in time to save his son, otherwise

Even though it was more than two years ago, an Yin still pinched two cold sweats when he talked about it.

Fortunately, his son was saved at the same time, but for Aunt Yang's heartache to the extreme.

"But why is the birth date of my son three months late?"

Since Qin Jian found the child on the day she gave birth to her son, she would not have known the child's birthday.

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