Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3175

Afraid of tongyanwuji, she was cheated out of her mouth. She didn't tell Qin Yue her mother's name. She only said that her mother went to work far away and would come back when she finished.

Children, how to say how to believe, Qin Yue naturally believe it.

This time when an Yin came back, Qin Jian told Qin Yue that his mother was back, and he would see her soon.

When he saw Qin Yue, he was glad that he didn't promise to see his mother.

Qin Yue held his father's head, tilted his head to see his father's face, "Daddy, is Mommy back?"

Qin Jian turned his head and looked at the small face of his son's flesh Du Du Fen Nen, "come back."

"Then why didn't she come back to see him?" Boys speak later than girls. When most boys are more than two years old, they are stuttering, but Qin Yue is very fluent.

"Because mummy is a doctor and many patients come back with her. She has to put those patients in place before she can go home to see Yue Yue."

"But Yueyue wants to have a mommy." Qin Yue has a sad face. Other children have their mothers, but he has never seen her.

"Does Yueyue's stomach ache?"

"No pain."

"Does that little hand and little foot hurt?"

"No pain."

"When you see Mommy later, your stomach will not hurt, and your hands and feet won't hurt, will you?"

"Well." Qin Yue nodded.

"But those patients now have stomachache, hand and foot pain. If Mommy left them now, they would have more pain. Therefore, mummy had to let them stop the pain before they could come back to accompany Yue Yue. Do you understand? "

"I see." Qin Yue cleverly nodded his head, "then we can go to see Mommy."

"Mummy is at work. You can't be disturbed when you are working."

"Oh." Qin Yue was disappointed.

"Good son, you go to school obediently. Daddy will let you see Mommy today, OK?"

"Good." Qin Yue was happy again.

Qin Jian'an saw that Qin Jian's face was so tired that he knew that he hadn't slept all night, so he stretched out his hand to Qin Yue, "Yueyue, come to my grandfather. Dad has just finished work and is tired."

Qin Yue was very clingy to Qin Jian, and he was reluctant to get off his shoulder. However, Qin Yue was very sensible. After listening to his grandfather saying that his father was tired, he stopped pestering his father and held his little hand to him.

Qin Jian'an said: "you eat breakfast, go to sleep. I'll go to see Yue off later."

Qin Jian said: "no, I still have something to go out. I'll take a bath, change clothes and come down. After breakfast, I'll send him."

Qin Jian'an guesses that Qin Jian should be looking for an Yin, and he doesn't say much.

Qin Yue embraces Qin Jian's neck and kisses one mouthful, "Daddy will see you later."

Qin Jian kisses his son, "see you later."

Qin Jian'an watched Qin Jian go upstairs and go to the dining room with Qin Yue in his arms.

Evening Shulan, who was making breakfast, turned back and said, "is saner back?"


"What about anyin?"

"Not yet."

Dushulan looks dark for a while, looked at her own breakfast, she made an Yin's share.

In front of Qin Yue's face, she couldn't show her disappointment and asked, "has saner said, what do you want to eat?"

"No. But he likes it when you do it. "

"He didn't sleep all night, otherwise you take Yue to eat first, I will send him to the room."

"He said he took a bath to eat." Qin Jian'an put Qin Yue on the children's chair.

"Oh." Qin Yuean and Qin Shulan serve breakfast on the table.

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