Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3171

In the past three years, an Yin had a very hard time. She walked around the line of life and death every day. Before she left, she met the imperial edict. Her heart was already in a mess. Before she could breathe, she found that Qin Jian had a son, and her brother could not contact her. Her world had collapsed. She was trapped under the ruins, and she really didn't care about anything else.

Listen to Qi Bai's words, she felt guilty, but unable to deal with.

Qi Bai found that she was very thin and her face was very bad when she saw an Yin.

An Yin lost contact in Africa for three years. Not only was Qin Jian looking for him, but he also used all his contacts. He himself went to Africa. I don't know how many times she went to Africa, but she was like the world evaporated.

He even thought that she was gone.

Anyin didn't know anything about this return. It was just a coincidence that someone sent an express to Qin Jian when he went to find him.

What express can let Qin Jian send it in person?

Naturally, he was curious, so he took a more look, and Qin Jian did not mean to avoid him.

Therefore, he saw the word "anyin" and the mailing address, so he came to the hospital. As a result, he really saw an Yin.

When he saw an Yin, he couldn't describe what he was lazy.

He didn't want to talk to stimulate an Yin, but when he thought of her coming back, he didn't even give him a letter.

"I'm sorry." Anyin's voice is very low.

Qi Bai took a deep breath and pressed down the pain in his heart. He stepped forward and put an Yin in his arms. He said, "I'm sorry. I didn't find you."

In the past three years, he did not know where she was or what she had experienced. However, he saw the pursuit of her by various African forces. Under such circumstances, he could not imagine how she survived.

This is the doctor. Anyin is wearing a white coat and is hugged by Qi Bai. She immediately attracts many people's eyes. Anyin pushes Qi Bai lightly and comes out of his arms.

Qi Bai also knew that he had lost his temper and said, "I'm sorry."

Anyin shook her head. "It's OK. Have you called me? "

"Well, we've been looking for you."


An Yin is a little stunned. Does "we" include Qin Jian?

Qi Bai looks down at an Yin. Her face has taken off childishness. Because of her thin, her eyes are even more black and weak than three years ago.

It took a lot of hard work to make her look like this.

Qi Bai heartache to death, "Qin Jian ran all over Africa."

An Yin hangs in the side of the body hand not from ground clench, light way: "he does not have a son, how to still run Africa."

Qi Bai's heart aches. Although Qin's family has done enough protective measures for Qin Yue, he has not deliberately suppressed the news that Qin Jian has a son.

As long as he didn't disclose his information, Qin didn't pay too much attention to it.

Therefore, the news of Qin Jian's son is overwhelming. Anyin will know when she comes back.

When he saw the news, he was also shocked. His first reaction was that Qin Jian found an Yin, and his son was Qin Jian and an Yin.

Then he went to find Qin Jian, but he couldn't find him. He said that he was on a business trip.

He was anxious to see the children, and did not wait for Qin Jian to come back. He bought a pile of baby supplies and went to Qin's house.

According to his temperament, Qin Jian has a son, and most of the children are raised by him.

However, when I went to Qin's house, I met Mr. Qin, but I didn't see the child. What's more, I learned from Mr. Qin that Qin Jian didn't find anyin, and the child was not anyin's.

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