Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3169

Xiang Shaolong looks dignified.

His medical skills are superb and he is also a medical maniac. The more difficult it is, the more excited he is. Such a dignified expression is rare.

An Yin suddenly felt uneasy, "Professor, is he in a bad condition?" He refers to the imperial edict.

Xiang Shao's dragon head doesn't go back.

Anyin's rejection had nothing to do with the imperial edict. But seeing Xiang Shaolong nodding, he suddenly pressed a stone on his heart, trying to ask him why he was not good. But there were other people around him. It was not good to say more in front of others. He turned to look at Zhao Yan. Zhao Yan fell asleep and didn't seem to be conscious. He could not help but feel "cluttering".

Mingjie is close to anyin. He doesn't know the imperial edict. He thinks that the one lying in the hospital bed is twilight, that is, anyin's biological father.

Seeing an Yin, she didn't dare to ask more questions. She moved to an Yin's side and explained in a low voice: "Mr. Mu has been imprisoned and abused for many years. In addition to the endless injuries on his body, he is also seriously malnourished. His body has been hollowed out for a long time. It is a miracle that he can live to this day. Of course, it does not rule out that the person who imprisoned him did not want him to die, so he used some extraordinary means to hang his life

Anyin was kidnapped by Mu Shichang. She knows how abnormal he is. After being in the hands of Dushi Chang for more than 20 years, it is impossible for anyin to have a good life.

But seeing and hearing with one's own eyes, there was another taste.

The hand hanging on the side of his body could not help but clench it into a fist.

When she knew her "life experience" in 404, she knew that everything that happened to her was because she hated the man named Zhao Yan.

Although the imperial edict was framed and fell into the hands of dushichang, he fell into the hands of dushichang and asked for help, but his and Jiyue's means were too despicable.

Because of what they do, a lot of people's lives are in a mess.

Before seeing the imperial edict, anyin had thought that it would not be better for the imperial edict to fall into the hands of Dushi Chang, but she felt that even in that case, she would never have any pity for the imperial edict.

Because even though the imperial edict and the mother are victims, it does not mean that the victims themselves are injured, and they can harm other innocent people.

Even when she saw the imperial edict full of pipes in the secret base, she did not forgive him, but at this time, she had some worries that she should not have. She hated the feeling and herself.

Mingjie didn't know what was in anyin's mind, and then said, "he has been tossed about recently, and he seems to deliberately keep himself from sleeping. Although I don't know his purpose, his spirit seems to be used to his compulsive non sleep. Even if a man is a man of iron, he can't bear to stay up for two days without sleeping, not to mention his body, so the situation is even worse According to his situation, it is estimated that he will not be able to get off the operating table when he gets on the operating table, but if he does not have an operation, the professor said that he can not survive for three days So the professor had him injected with a tranquilizer and forced him to sleep to recover his strength

When anyin heard this, she didn't want to listen any more, so she turned around and left.

Just taking a step, Xiang Shaolong's hand reached over and stopped her. He patted the record book into her arms, "go and make preparations. When he wakes up, he will have the operation."

An Yin: "I have other things to do. Let elder martial brother follow me."

Mingjie sees that an Yin is in a bad mood, and thinks that her state is not suitable for surgery. She is trying to take over the record book on anyin's hand.

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