Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3153

Is that a werewolf, too?

If so, it's going to be a bit tricky tonight.

However, they are all genetically modified from half werewolves. They have never seen purebred werewolves and don't know how powerful purebred werewolves are. However, half werewolves have killed a lot of them. Ordinary half werewolves are not their rivals at all.

Even if the man is also a werewolf, but listen to the voice, should also be very young, the other side only two people, but they have more than a dozen people.

Just now the other side silent no self-interest appeared, just to suppress them, at this time come back, to the other side also have some disdain, way: "quick battle, quick decision."

What did the captain think that what they saw tonight was not the mixed blood werewolves that they usually bullied for many generations, but the leading werewolves, Qin Jian and Jinpeng.

Jin Peng listened to the four words of quick decision, suddenly came to the spirit, bent over, bared his teeth, "come on, I don't want to procrastinate."

Those people also bent down like wild animals and rushed at Jin Peng, which was like tearing Jin Peng into pieces.

Their bodies don't turn into wolves, but their nails stick out, and their faces are sunken by genetic changes. They are extremely ugly.

Jin Peng has never seen this kind of mutation of human, excited eyes shining, without hesitation to meet up.

Qin jianleng looked at those people, in those people forward to rush out of the moment, frowned, good explosive force.

He did not know how powerful these transformed monsters were. Fearing that Jin Peng would suffer losses, he turned into a wolf and ran straight up to attack the captain.

The big black wolf has already arrived in front of him. There is a sharp pain. The wolf's claw has pierced his head. Then he pulls it down. The sharp claw cuts across his face and continues to go down

When he fell to the ground, he looked down and saw that his chest and abdomen had been cut open, viscera and blood were pouring out together.

He is one of the best reformers, but in front of this werewolf, he can't even fight back.

The captain looked at the black wolf who fell in front of him, with red and golden eyes.

"It's him..."

It's the purebred werewolf that their master wanted

As soon as the captain died, he was in a panic. Jin Peng took the opportunity to kill two of them.

Those people didn't expect that this little wolf was so powerful that they felt bad immediately. They stopped fighting and ran away separately. Qin Jian and Jin Peng could not let them escape. They immediately caught up with him and killed more than ten people in a moment.

Jin Peng changed back to human form, and said to Qin Jian discontented, "it's not that I'll kill them." As soon as Qin Jian made a move, most of them were settled by Qin Jian. He only killed five.

Qin Jian resumed his human form and said, "isn't it a quick decision?"

Jin Peng:

In the distance, the sound of the wheels pressing on the ground, they knew that the forces of the League of nations were catching up.

They stopped staying and left quickly.

The corpses of the reformed people will soon be found. Their body features will soon be confirmed as the killers of the garrison, but how these monsters died is unknown.

Qin's werewolves dive around the garrison. Without special circumstances, they will not attack, but once there are mutants, they will secretly clean up the mutants who try to destroy the base.

Qin Jian and Jin Peng left these bodies because these mutants killed the whole company.

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