Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3149

The mother lives in disgrace to save him from the hands of the evil things and the old man.

"You're bullshit. You want us to save you, so that's why you lied to me..." An Yin can't accept this statement. If it was him, how could her mother become like that.

The imperial edict was silent.

Zhao Yan laughs bitterly. When he thinks about Rong Zhen and their children, he is really reluctant. But he finds that things are out of control. He can't untie the seal. When Rong Zhen lives that miserable life, he really wants to die. He wants to die and let her explain. But he knows that when he is dead, twilight Shichang can clone him with the same shape, and then their mother Zi is bound to face more terrible disasters.

Moreover, Rongzhen lives because she hates him.

If there is no hate, what will she use to sustain it?

In view of this, he was struggling to support, dare not die.

"Nothing to say?" When anyin saw the imperial edict and did not speak, she was even more blocked.

"I dare not die..." The evil he made cannot be erased, but he can't die until the evil he has made can't be recovered.

Anyin sneered and laughed. She raised her head and pressed down her tears. Even though there was a thick door, she was not willing to show any weakness.

"Anyin, thank you for telling me that. I don't need you to save me. Just say something to your mother for me

Anyin didn't want to help him turn, but she couldn't turn around and leave when she thought of her mother's suffering for this man in those years

"If you hate me, keep hating me. I'll let her cut me into pieces, but don't torture yourself before."

An Yin endured the tears, and then rolled down uncontrollably. She quickly reached out to wipe the tears on her face, "you can save your life to tell her. I have something else to do. I won't be with you. "

With that, leave quickly.

This place, she can not stay for a moment, afraid to stay, do not know how to control their emotions.

When he came out of the room, he saw Rong Xun leaning against the front of the cold corridor with his head slightly lowered. He seemed to hear her footsteps on the wall and turned to look at her.

An Yin to his deep eyes, can't help but stop, she looked at him, heart filled with a touch of injustice hard to say, really want to cry.

Rongxun stood there and looked at her for a moment. He stood up straight and went to her. He reached out and held her in his arms. "Little girl's family, if you want to cry, you can cry."

He deliberately stood away from them and didn't listen to their conversation. He didn't know what an Yin and Zhao Yan said. But looking at her dejected appearance and the tears in her eyes, he could know how miserable the conversation was.

"I don't want to cry..." Anyin tried to hold back tears. This is the battlefield, not the time when she can be weak.

Rongxun put her hand around her, raised her chin with the other hand, and looked at her eyes. His rough fingers gently wiped her red eyes. "I've already cried."

The warmth of his fingers, through the cold skin, slowly penetrated into her body, sank into her heart, warm wrapped her heart immersed in ice water.

The delicate tenderness defeated her strong support, and tears could no longer help but burst out, pulling Rongxun's lapel and crying.

Rongxun's heartache was almost broken. He put her in his arms again and let her cry.

Anyin knew that it was not a time of peace, nor was it a cozy home. She didn't cry for long, but just let out the pent up feelings in her heart, and then she stopped.

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