Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3146

In order to prevent the accident, Rongxun said hello to Dr. Li and asked him to close the door of the operating room.

The door of the operating room is locked from the inside, so it can't be opened easily outside. Even if someone wakes up suddenly, it can't hurt Dr. Li and the person in charge.

Rong Xun led an Yin to the secret door and asked, "are you still there?"

"Yes." The voice of the man came from behind the secret door.

An Yin looks at Rong Xun and wants to know from him what relationship this person has with her and why she wants her to see him.

Rong Xun said, "his name is Zhao Yan, and he can also be called" Twilight good ". Say hello

Anyin was like a duck that had been chopped by thunder. She was stunned, and the blood color on her face faded away.

After leaving 404, although she wanted to find the imperial edict, she actually didn't want to see this person at all. It should be said that she didn't want to face it.

Because this person complicates her life.

If he was just a simple man, just a victim of the evil, she would accept the father, but the man named Zhao Yan

What is it?

Is it to occupy the body of the old age good, harm mother to become such a monster?

If he is her father, what is she?

Is it the mother's knot?

Or is it a memento that reminds her of a terrible experience when she sees it?

"Who is it?" the imperial edict asked

Rongxun didn't speak. She looked at an Yin quietly. She had to choose something for herself.

Anyin inhales hard and suppresses all kinds of confused thoughts in her heart.

If you can hide for a generation, she is willing to hide, but already in front of her, she pretends not to know, it is not willful, but unreasonable.

What's more, this man is the one who drives his mother crazy. She can't turn a blind eye to it.

"My name is anyin, my mother's surname is Rong Mingzhen."

Before the imperial edict, Rong Xun said that an Yin was also here. He thought that he might "see" anyin, but when anyin stood in front of him, he was still silent.

He has no face to face anyin's daughter.

Rong Xun looked at the door where the sound was no longer heard, and then looked at an Yin, who was also silent, and said, "I'll check it out and you can chat."

Anyin suddenly doesn't want to talk.

She felt that her life was terrible because of this man. She didn't know what to say to him. She grabbed Rongxun and said, "let's go together."

Rongxun took hold of his little hand holding his sleeve and looked down at her eyes. "Anyin, you are a doctor. You should know that the wound is purulent. If you don't uncover the scab and remove the pus inside, the wound will never be good."

Anyin's eyes slowly red, burning fever, standing still.

Rongxun continued to say in a low voice: "dear, I asked everything I wanted to ask. Even if it hurt, it was rotten meat. If you should dig it, you should throw it away. Not for others, but for yourself. "

Anyin held back tears.

Rongxun let go of her hand and gently wiped away the tears on an Yin's face, "don't cry, you cry, my heart aches. I'll take a look to save some bad water from waking up. I'll come to you when I'm done. "

An Yin just nodded.

"Just wait a moment," Xun said Hand the gun to an Yin, "you are here alone, be careful."

Although only four people are active at present, no one knows if there will be any accident.

Anyin nodded, "yes."

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