Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3142

The camera is high-definition, but Amy can't see through the screen what's wrong with the red ball in the plastic plasma bag.

Seeing that she couldn't see it, Rongxun simply took the plasma bag down and put it in the window pane where the medicine was received. He also lowered his head and pointed to somewhere in the plasma bag, "look here."

The space was less than a foot high and could not fit into an adult's body. Without much thought, Amy leaned over the window pane and looked at the place where Rongxun's fingers were.

Before he could see it clearly, Rong Xun asked, "do you see it?"

His cold voice naturally attracted Amy's attention. Amy couldn't help but look at Rong Xun. What she saw was thousands of flowers. Just a moment later, her eyelids drooped heavily and fell asleep.

Rongxun reached into the window pane, pulled Amy over, took off the work card on her neck, opened the medicine store, cut Amy's neck, knocked her unconscious, and then left the drug store in a position invisible from the window pane.

With Amy's work card, all parts of the base are unimpeded.

After dealing with all the self exploding devices, he felt unbearable pain in his head. When he returned to the operating room door, he could hardly stand. He held the door of the operating room for a long time, then wiped off the cold sweat on his head which was beyond his control with his sleeve, stood up straight, and then sent a message to Mr. Rong.

Next, he has something to do, so he can't rest.

Rong Laozi looked across the screen at Rongxun's painful moment, his whole heart was clenched, and he felt as if a knife was cutting his heart.

Heart said: "boy, you must hold on. If you dare to die outside, I will not recognize you as a grandson."

He said so in his heart, but the more sour.

Keep an eye on the monitor screen, for fear that even one eye becomes the last.

But no matter how much we don't give up, we have to give up.

Rong Laozi tore his sight from the screen and began to finish his next task. He pressed his hand on Jin Peng's shoulder, "lock the door."

Jin Peng: "yes."

Jin Peng took the team with his fingers flying. In a moment, the base system was paralyzed, and even the other party's own people could not open it, which meant that before the end of the matter, people outside could not get in and those inside could not get out.

If Rongxun missed a bomb, once it happened, they would

The next possibility, let the old man has been afraid to think.

After the system was locked, Jinpeng exited the monitoring and the screen turned off instantly.

Let the old man's heart suddenly stuck for a moment, the screen out before the moment, may be forever farewell.

But the running time of the chip will do too much damage to Rongxun. You can't always connect the line just because you want to know whether he is safe or not.

Jin Peng didn't know that the man was Rong Xun, and he didn't know that the man who entered the operating room was anyin. He suddenly felt like he was being taken out of the room. The whole person collapsed and quickly helped him, "master..."

Rong Laozi supported Jin Peng and rested for a while. After calming down for a while, he began to take the next step.

Rongxun felt that the chip under his scalp was no longer hot. Although the headache was still there, it was no longer aggravating. He knew that the master Rong had stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

Went to the exit, swiped the card, the door did not open.

Let's let the old man do it.

Jin Peng didn't replace the monitor, and Rong Xun still couldn't be seen walking around in the monitoring room.

When removing the self exploding device, Rongxun paid attention to the number of people left behind and the location of the base.

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