Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 314

Bokun nods his head gently and gets on the bus.

Bentley starts smoothly and leaves.

An Yin and LV Weiwei hold crab cake and watch the car drive away.

"Anyin, what can I do with this crab cake?"

"Take it."

An Yin is about to leave when she sees a man's Cowhide purse at her feet.

Bend down to pick up the wallet, open it, the contents of the purse are very neat, a stack of money, a few gold cards, several business cards.


An Yin thinks of Mu Jin's saying that he calls a middle-aged man "ah Kun.".

The wallet should have fallen out of the middle-aged man named Bokun when he helped them to take the crab cake.

Take out the phone number on your mobile phone.

The number you dialed is in a call

Anyin calls several times, and the other party has been talking. Anyin has to put away her wallet first, and then contact the other party when she can get through the phone.


it's not far away. It's a humble parking space.

Wei Qiang: "young master, are you going to pick them up?"

"No Qin Jian's eyes sink like a pool of thick ink.

Jin Peng called, "elder brother, the evening Jin speech went to the dogfight field, still follow?"

"You don't have to follow. You go and find someone."

"Who is it?"

"I'll send you a multimedia message."


Qin Jian sent the dog owner's photo to Jin Peng.


a van stops at the gate of a warehouse in Yicheng.

The door opened, a few big men jumped out of the car and twisted the bound man out of the car.

The man with adhesive tape on his mouth was the dog owner who followed Bokun to get the money.

The warehouse opens and the dog owner is pushed into the warehouse.

The owner of the dog did not know what these people were going to do to him. He looked at the huge iron door closed behind him in fear.

The men escorted him to the depths of the warehouse and opened another door, which led to the stairs underground.

When I went down the stairs, I heard a lot of noise coming from inside. Some people swore, some people were excited, more yelling, and there was the sound of dogs barking.

When the last door opened, I knew it was an underground dogfight.

Those people put the owner of the dog in an iron cage. The smell of dog poop and dog urine, mixed with the smell of blood, came.

The owner of the dog was white with fear.

An hour later, Bo Kun pushed Mu Jin to appear in front of the dog cage, looking at the dog owner coldly across the dog cage.

At this time, the owner of the dog knew that he had provoked people who could not be provoked. He wanted to beg for mercy, but he was tied and could not move. He had adhesive tape on his mouth. He couldn't say anything. He could only make a "Wuwu" sound.

The bodyguard opened the dog's cage, wrung out the dog owner and tore off the adhesive tape from his mouth.

"What are you going to do?"

"To pay you, of course." The evening Jin speech cold looks at that person.

"I I don't have to pay for it. "

"But I want to pay." The evening Jin Yan Chong bodyguard slants the head, signals the bodyguard to start.

The bodyguard twisted up the owner and went to the ring.

"Brother puma, do you want to play too?" The man in charge of the ring came running.


"Which dog do you choose?"

"I use this." The bodyguard kicked the dog owner.

"He? Is he all right? " The owner of the dog is not strong, and the person in charge doesn't seem to be able to fight.

"Have fun. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. If you lose, I'll lose ten."

"Yes, if you say so." The eyes of the person in charge lit up.

The bodyguard took an iron neck guard and put it around the dog's neck to avoid being bitten by the dog.

The man responded that they were going to take him to a dog fight. They looked at the Spanish bullfight terrier in the dog farm and urinated directly.

PS: it's a new week, baby, vote for the fourth watch.

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