Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3139

He knew what the chip would taste like to Rongxun once it was started.

If he doesn't start the chip carefully, it will cause great pain.

When Rongxun starts the chip, he has a sharp pain in his head. With the connection of the information, the headache increases instantly. When the chip is used as an information transmitting station, the pain is even more unbearable.

He could not bear the pain that ordinary people could not bear. He could not show any physical reaction, that is to say, he could not even have a cold sweat on his forehead.

Many people can bear the pain, but it is not everyone's ability to restrain the body's instinctive response.

He did simulated pain training before he implanted the chip.

Using electric shock to simulate the pain caused by the chip, such training lasted for half a year before his body adapted to the pain.

It's not that you can't feel the pain, but the body doesn't react to it.

Rong Xun calmly followed the staff to a door.

The staff said, "Zuo Teng Bokun is inside. I want you to wait here."

Rongxun nodded his head.

Control the chip with consciousness, convey his meaning, let the old man do not act in a hurry.

He didn't have an audio connector yet. He didn't know what would happen next. If he acted too early, he was prone to problems.

Of course, it is not safe for him to endure the pain for a longer time.

Since Rongxun entered the base, the person in charge picked up the tablet computer connected to the monitoring screen, staring at Rongxun and an Yin and Dr. Li in the drug store.

When the bodyguard arrived at the door, he was very professional and stood upright. Apart from looking at both sides from time to time, he did not move.

Look at the drug store.

Dr. Li was shocked when he entered the drug store.

He has been practicing medicine for decades, and he has never seen such a large drug storehouse. However, he just glanced at the drug store and stood aside. All the things were done by the nurses, without any curiosity on his face. It seems that he is familiar with such drug stores.

This base is very large, which is bigger than what was found before. Naturally, the drug storehouse is also larger. However, no matter how big it is, the structure is almost the same. If he behaves like Liu Laolao who went to the city, he will be immediately seen as a fake.

No matter how shocked he was, he had to act.

Fortunately, he was born with a face that other people owed him money, so as long as he didn't look and laugh, others could hardly see anything on his face.

Anyin quickly wrote down the list of drugs needed.

She had never seen the handwriting of a nurse. Even if she had, she couldn't imitate someone else's handwriting in such a short time, so she didn't care about handwriting.

But she thought, the other party at this time, it is impossible to look up a nurse's handwriting.

Amy takes over the list and looks at it for a while, and leads an Yin to the medicine cabinet.

The person in charge enlarges the monitoring screen to see the list written by an Yin.

Most of them are used for surgery. There are several other drugs related to their experiments. Others are unknown to him.

But the other side is very careful, the list only wrote the type of drugs, not the exact drugs.

Anyin finished counting the drugs, she was frightened.

With the help of Qin's family, the professor spent a lot of money to buy the medicine. There are not only many medicines but also a lot of them.

PS: I've been sick for a week, and I can't get up in bed. I want to die when I think of the Jiageng I promised the editor the day after tomorrow www.mylovenovel.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!