Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3137

Meizi is the name of anyin's role.

"Hi!" Anyin immediately packed things, carrying the medical box, followed Dr. Li away.

The nurse put a gun against Dr. Li's head.

An Yin suddenly shot her hand as fast as lightning, so fast that the other party didn't see how she got out of her hand. The gun in the nurse's hand reached her hand and pressed against the head of the nurse. An Yin said in English: "those who are disrespectful to our doctor will die!"

I'm going to pull the trigger.

Dr. Li looked at an Yin with a chill in his eyes, and looked at an Yin with another eye.

According to the information, Meizi is a nurse and a bodyguard.

When an Yin's fingers moved gently, a hospital bed came to BA's applause, "Miss Meizi, good skill."

Anyin stops pulling the trigger finger, but doesn't let go of the nurse and looks at the man.

How old is a man in his fifty years old.

Dr. Li also looked at the man coldly and did not speak.

Dr. Li is a man who is used to seeing life and death in the battlefield, and his eyes are cold and indifferent to life and death.

The man and Dr. Li looked at each other for a while, and finally said, "I am the person in charge here." Dr.

just put his head down. "You all need surgery, especially if you don't get a quick operation, and your body will soon develop into the body, and what happens then, I don't think I need to tell you." Kwai said.

When it comes to surgery, it's not a matter that the nurse can decide, so it's reasonable for him to see the person in charge.

That person is the person in charge here. He has seen more cases of infection and death, and of course he knows what his situation is. "I have surgery. What arrangements do you need, such as staffing..."

Dr. Li said, "I can't use people who are not used to others. Meizi is enough. However, I need absolute peace during the operation. I must not let any fool disturb me

Responsible humanitarian: "I can close the base, not allow Jakes' people to enter the base, and our people will never walk around."

Dr. Li got the promise and said, "let my bodyguard stay outside the operating room to prevent accidents."

The person in charge frowned: "accident?"

Dr. Li looked at the person in charge and said, "I don't want a mouse running out of nowhere."

When they talk about mice, they mean aliens caught, or people who are used for experiments.

After listening to this, the person in charge was somewhat disdainful. Originally, he wanted to refuse, but then he thought that they all have first-class facilities, and there has never been a mouse running out. However, it is understandable to think that other bases do not have such good facilities, and the base where Zuotang is located is an earlier group of old bases. It is understandable to have such concerns.

In addition, according to the fact that the nurse workers did not agree with each other just now, Zuo Teng was not a person who could negotiate terms.

They really need treatment now. They don't want to be hurt by a bodyguard and say, "yes."

Dr. Li because the other side promised his conditions, there is any expression on his face, "I need to check a drug to see if the required medicine is enough."

The person in charge picked up the walkie talkie and said a word.

Soon a fat woman in a nurse's uniform came in.

Responsible for humanity: "her name is Amy, in charge of the warehouse."

Dr. Li looked at Amy.

Responsible humanitarian: "Amy, take Dr. Zuotang to the drug store. Whatever he wants, do what he says."

"Yes." Amy caused Dr. Li and an Yin to go out.

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