Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3128

The troops stationed here maintain the way of life in the army. They have to get up for training before dawn in the morning.

After the training, Rongxun went back to his residence for a bath and went to the canteen for breakfast. He saw an Yin sitting at the table eating breakfast alone.

Since anyin arrived here, she has always been a cold face. Apart from treating him, she doesn't pay attention to anyone. In addition to the relationship between Rongxun and anyin, no soldier dares to talk to anyin.

Therefore, when Rongxun was not there, anyin was always alone.

Rongxun stood there and looked at an Yin's back for a while.

She had a quiet and regular meal, but she had the anger that a living person should have.

Rong Xun looked for a while. Instead of going directly there, he made breakfast and sat down opposite anyin. An Yin looked up at Rong Xun.

She had a faint expression on her face. If she hadn't stayed for half a night alone, she would have thought that Qin Jian's affairs had no influence on her.

Rongxun seemed to have nothing to do with it, and he buried himself in his own breakfast.

Rongxun was born in a military family with a strict and clear view of everything. From being able to understand people's words, he had to be straight in every move. As he grew older, he was straighter than other people's children. In addition, he was tall and had long legs. He was heroic and straightforward and gave full play to his military power.

Growing up like this demon, but staying in the army all day, nothing but fighting.

The monk in the temple can still see several women who offer incense. He can't see one woman all day long. He lives a life more like a monk than a monk.

If he can see a few more, she thought.

Rong Xun's eyelids did not lift, light mouth, "good-looking?"

An Yin rolled her eyes and lowered her head to eat her own.

Rong Xun didn't wait for an answer. He raised his eyes and touched his chin, "am I not so bad? It makes you dislike this. "

After hearing this, anyin simply put down the spoon, held her head in her hand and looked at him.

Rong Xun was thick skinned, so she could stand a few holes in her face, and continued to eat his own food with the same look. "Look at the heart, tell me. Maybe we can bring a baby when we go back

An Yin was angry with him and laughed, "cousin!" She deliberately bit the word "cousin" to remind him of their relationship.

Rong Xun said, "my cousin is not my brother."

An Yin said, "are you not afraid of genetic problems?"

Rong Xun solemnly said: "gene is good, no problem."

An Yin ignores him, heart says, soldier ruffian is soldier ruffian, again dress solemnly, also can't get rid of that bandit spirit.

When Rongxun had finished eating, he stopped teasing her and said, "anyin, although I don't want you to go, I won't stop you if you want to go. What's more, our situation is different now. We have a boat to take you back. Of course, out of the sea, there are always dangers, but you should be able to cope with them. "

"When I decided to stay, I didn't intend to go first. It has nothing to do with your situation."

Rongxun swallowed the last mouthful of corn porridge, put down the spoon and looked at an Yin cautiously, "do you want to see him?"

An Yin pretended to be careless: "I don't want to."

Rong Xun said, "anyin, I'm not joking. If you want to see him, I can take you to catch up with him."

Anyin casually asked: "how to chase the plane?"

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