Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3125

Qin Jian no longer pays attention to Rong Xun and looks back on an Yin. He doesn't want to waste this rare thing on a man's face, "you didn't tell her I was here."

"No Rong Xun turned his head and looked at an Yin sitting in the shadow. "If you want her to know, there is always a way to let her know. If you don't let her know, you don't want her to know. Since you are not going to see her, why should I be so busy? "

"She Are you ok? " He asked an adjutant about this question, but he could not know much about anyin, but Rongxun was different.

When anyin saw Rong Xun, she was not in a good condition at that time.

"When do you mean?"

"Tell me all about it."

"When I first came here, it was very bad. Her eyes were full of hatred and killing."

Qin Jian put it in her trouser pocket and clenched her hand suddenly. She thought the child was "dead." now

"I can't say yes, but I'm calm."

Qin Jian took a deep breath and now tells her that her son is OK. She will be happy, but I'm afraid she will be anxious to go back to see her son.

However, it is impossible for her to leave Rongxun in their present situation. If she is not in her heart and she is in her body, I am afraid she will spend more time like a year.

If you can bear it again, you can bear it for half a year at most.

Qin Jian lightly nodded his head, pressed down the impulse of that moment, and said: "everything is not as big as life, life is lost, everything is in vain, you pay attention to safety, I should also go."

Rong Xun: would you like to meet her

Qin Jian pressed down the desire in his heart: "No."

Rong Xun: how are you going

There are hundreds of local armed forces in Chad, of which four are the most ferocious, one of whose commander is Wilson.

Mr. F's agent, the protector of this contact is Wilson.

Mr. f promised Wilson that he would pay Wilson a large sum of money as long as the transaction was successful.

They played tricks on Wilson and robbed the business.

Mr. f is missing. Wilson has recovered.

The airport is full of their people.

Qin Jian can't leave before Wilson reacts today, so it's impossible to take a flight again.

Wilson was so cruel that he would rather kill the wrong man than let it go.

For a period of time, it would be very difficult for Chinese to leave Chad if they were not well-informed by Wilson.

When Qin Jian planned to see an Yin, he had already thought of this point: "see walking step."

Rongxun said, "our ship will go to sea tomorrow, or you will go with our boat tonight."

On the surface, the armed forces that Rongxun ate are only the armed forces of general Neng. In the past, it was claimed that there were more than 8000 people. In fact, the local army in Chad knows that these 8000 people include their families, and less than 4000 can really fight.

The army of four thousand men was nothing more than Wilson and his army.

However, the armed forces can become one of the four major armed forces in Chad because they have an elite force of mercenaries.

Their mercenaries received a big deal, so the whole elite troops almost poured out.

Unexpectedly, it was a trap set by the enemy. Kill them.

The elite troops were led out, and then the other party's people took the opportunity to attack the camp, killed all the people in the camp, and then ambushed and waited for them to come back.

The elite army came back and fell into the trap of the other side and the whole army was destroyed.

When Rongxun received the news, he made a counter attack and wiped out the other party. After that, he disposed of the corpse and pretended to be the leader of a mercenary and occupied the mountain as king.

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