Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3122

When the adjutant leaves, an Yin slowly wipes her hands. There is still no expression on her face. The actual person has lost her soul.

Since I arrived here, in order not to let myself be engulfed by hatred, I forced myself not to think about the tasks and people related to children every day, especially Qin Jian.

Rongxun knew her mind, and he would not mention it if he could.

Chad is not a peaceful place. As a doctor, her life became busy. Gradually, she restrained all kinds of emotions in her heart. Sometimes, she had the illusion that her heart was as dead as ashes.

But I do not know, her feelings, like lava under the volcano, the more repressed, the more violent when it erupts.

The adjutant's words opened an opening in an Yin's tightly sealed heart. Anyin's heart was like the molten slurry that was about to gush out.

After finishing his work, Dr. Li came up and said, "Dr. an, why haven't you taken a rest yet?"

Anyin's thoughts were interrupted, and hastily tidied up his mind and said, "I'm going."

She was not in the mood to talk to anyone and left the clinic.

Out of the door, do not want to go back to the room, walked to no one, looked at the night sky overhead, is he still in Chad?

The adjutant did not go out for a long time. Judging from the time, he did not leave Chad.

If he has met Qin Jian, then he must be in Chad.

I really miss him, but when I think of the lost child, I'm afraid to see him.

Behind him came the familiar sound of footsteps.

Anyin doesn't have to look back. She knows who's coming.

Rongxun stopped and looked at an Yin for a while. Then he came back and stopped behind anyin. "Do you want to see him?"

He has heard the adjutant talk about Qin Jian, and he knows that Qin Jian asked the adjutant to give an Yin a message.

Anyin turns and sees Rongxun, an officer's uniform of Chadian armed forces.

The brim of Rongxun's hat was very low, and his face was forced to be angry. His long and narrow eyes grew deeper and deeper in the dim light. He put his hands in the pockets of his army trousers and gazed at her quietly.

An Yin took a deep breath, did not answer his question, asked: "when did you come back?"

Rong Xun: "just now."

Anyin asked, "have you eaten yet?"

Rong Xun: "eat dry food outside."

An Yin: "I'll cook something for you."

Rong Xun: "no, the kitchen is making a snack. I'll go and eat with my brothers later."

An Yin: is everything going well this time

"Not bad." Rong Xun, seeing an Yin avoid the topic intentionally, was silent for a moment and picked up his question: "do you want to see him?"

Anyin knows that she can't avoid it: "anyway, why do you want to think about it?"

Rong Xun was silent.

Mr. f is seeking to protect the armed forces, not them, but another armed forces force, which is very powerful in Chad.

He took people to sneak attack the old nest of the local army and let the other party ignore Mr. F. then the adjutant took advantage of the opportunity to make a joint and pretended to be the other party.

The whole operation can not reveal its identity and is extremely dangerous. In addition, there is no absolute guarantee of success.

In case of failure, the casualties are beyond their estimation.

Therefore, he knew that Qin Jian was coming, but he could not let an Yin go with him.

He received a message from the adjutant that the mission was successful, and then he took his men back.

As soon as they withdraw, the other side will react to it, that is, to eat black.

They will immediately take action to check their identity while intercepting Qin Jian.

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