Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3110

Qin Jian has excellent water quality, but the current is too fast, and he still chokes several saliva. Before the air in his lungs is about to be drained, his eyes are bright and washed up on a reef.

The body washed by the current is very sour and soft.

He turned over and lay on his back. Looking at the bright sunlight above his head, he suddenly laughed.

You can't live, you can't die. That's it.

Qin Jian doesn't know where he is now, but when he comes out, he is not in a hurry.

It's been nearly a month since anyin disappeared. I don't know where she is now. It's useless even if she is in a hurry now.

He was afraid that Jin Peng and other companions were worried. He reached into his pocket and took out the mobile phone in his trouser pocket. There was a signal here. He sent a message to Jinpeng: I'm ok.

Looking at the success of SMS sending, I took a breath, put my wrist on my forehead to cover the glare of the sun, close my eyes and wait for my physical strength to recover.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he heard the short message prompt tone of metal tone, which he could not be more familiar with.

He opened his eyes and saw that Jin Peng was thrown over by the water.

Qin Jian said:

Jin Peng was dizzy by the current, and the huge current suddenly disappeared. He unconsciously grabbed a foot, opened his eyes, and half squinted at Shangqin Jian.

Qin Jian said:

Qin Jian was dumbfounded and lay back.

When Jin Peng saw Qin Jian, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned over. He was lying at his feet on all fours and didn't want to move any more.

Qin Jian touched Jin Peng with his feet, "I don't know what's going on under me. Are you just chasing down?"

Jin Peng curled the corner of his mouth, "when you untie the traction rope, what do you know about your head?"

Qin Jian: "Chi --"

Qin Jian and others recovered some physical strength, turned over and sat up, first gave a message to his teammates, told them that he and Jinpeng were OK, and asked them to go back to rest.

Then open the map and see where you are.

Find out where it is and look up at the simple wharf not far ahead.

This place

Qin Jian's face gradually dignified.

Seeing that there was no movement in Qin Jian, Jin Peng turned over and leaned on the ground and looked up at Qin Jian. Seeing Qin Jian with a dignified look, Jin Peng looked forward to the simple wharf.

This dock does not even have a fishing boat, which is obviously not a fishing dock for fishermen.

I quickly took out my mobile phone from my pocket and looked at the map.

To find out where they are, his face suddenly changed, "brother, this is the black wharf."

Qin Jian: "yes."

Jin Peng: "an Yin should not..."

This black dock, which they had secretly inquired about, was on the surface used for illegal immigration.

This place is so poor that the police don't care about this area. Moreover, there are few good places to go out of this sea area. One place is more chaotic than the other. Therefore, the people who smuggle from here are basically people who offend people and can't survive here.

As long as you give enough money and you are not chased and killed by your enemies, you can get on a boat at the seaside. Of course, whether you can go ashore or not is another matter.

In the past six months, in order to find an Yin, they did not let go of any clues. They also made a deeper investigation into the black docks. They found that the people who smuggled into the black docks were often missing, and a whole ship was missing.

The ship went out to sea, the accident sank, a ship of people missing, understandable.

But frequent accidents are not normal.

However, the people who smuggle from here are all hopeless people. No one will pay attention to them, so they have not attracted other people's attention.

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