Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3107

"Good." Qin Jian looked at his mother's busy life. His eyes were soft and warm. When he was just born, if the old man didn't take him away, he could be taken care of by his mother like Yue.

Seeing that his wife was worried, Qin Jian'an said, "Mu Jin Yan lives in Jinsha bend. They won't go for long."

Twilight Shulan think is also, no longer say more, pass the bag to Qin Jian.

Qin Jian didn't know when he could come back. He took the bag from his mother and went to the garage with his son.

Qin Jianan and his wife have been watching the car leave the villa, only to return to the house, usually living in the house, but suddenly feel good empty.


when Mu Jinyan was waiting at the door, he saw Qin Jian coming down from the car. Qin Jian was holding a tightly wrapped baby in one hand and an urn in the other. His heart sank suddenly.

Qin Jian went to the evening Jin speech in front of, silent for a moment, handed the urn to the evening Jin Yan, "aunt Yang is back."

The evening Jin speech takes over the urn, the eye socket is red, "how did she die?"

Bo Kun came up and took the urn in the hand of Mu Jin Yan and said, "come in and talk about it. It's windy outside. Don't blow to the children."

Evening Jin speech hastily deep suck a mouth, press down the tear meaning, way: "go in."

Entering the room, Bokun put aunt Yang's ashes on the cabinet, "I'll get the incense candle."

"Good." Mu Jin's heart is cut like a knife.

Qin Jian said: "mourning."

The evening Jin speech is silent for a moment, look at Qin Yue in the bosom of Qin Jian.

Qin Jian takes open the small quilt with the baby and hands the child to the evening Jin Yan.

The evening Jin speech has held the child, then some cannot press down the tear meaning.

He knew that anyin was pregnant with a child, and he thought that she would be able to give birth to a child safely when she left here. He didn't expect that only one child would come back.

"What's going on?"

Qin Jian said the situation of seeing aunt Yang in the cave, "she saved Qin Yue."

The evening Jin speech closes the eye, resists in the heart the sullen pain.

He asked aunt Yang and an Yin to leave together to make aunt Yang live, but

"What about anyin?"

Qin Jian repeated what he had said twice.

After listening to the evening Jin speech, looking at the Qin Yue in his sleep, he became confused in his heart, "you didn't see an Yin."

Qin Jian nodded.

"I'm afraid she didn't know the child was with you."


They are silent. Anyin doesn't know that the child is here in Qinjian. If she goes back to find the child, she doesn't know what she will be in a hurry. But at that time, anyin has no news, and Qin Jian can't leave without taking the child.

"What are you going to do?"

Qin Jian said: "I have set up a best geological team and intend to look for it again. Five days later, we'll meet in Africa in five days, and I'll be there two days ahead of time. "

Mu Jin said: "who will take the children?"

"Grandparents, I told them not to let people know the existence of the child for three months, and then go to the household registration three months later, and the age is pushed back three months."

When Qin Jian said this, Mu Jin Yan knew the purpose of Qin Jian, in order to avoid the poisonous eyes of Dushi Chang.

The child is in the Qin family. It is impossible for Dushi Chang to snatch the child from the Qin family openly. However, he can't avoid taking the child as an article. Moreover, with his bad nature, he will try his best to get the child. At that time, he doesn't know how many troubles will arise.

This is indeed the best way to do it.

"Can you do me a favor?" Qin Jian looks at the evening Jin words that tease the child.

"What's up?" Mu Jin raised her head.

PS: good night ~

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