Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3102

They all came with high air. They thought that with their qualification, they could shake Qin Jian, but they didn't expect to end up like this in the end.

Although the heart is not willing, but also know that Qin Jian has gone, and Qin Laozi stacked words, today is no longer possible to get the results they want, a gray face to leave.

The old man Qin and others finished, and sat down tired and soft.

Uncle Fu came up and handed him a cup of tea

Qin looked up with blood in his eyes. He sighed and took the cup, but he didn't drink any.

"Qin Fu, did I do it right or wrong these years?"

Uncle Fu said, "master, you are wrong."

"I just want him to be strong and carry on the inheritance of the people," said Qin

Uncle Fu said: "the third young master has done enough for his people, but what has he got? To tell you the truth, don't you feel cold when you see these faces? "

Mr. Qin did not speak.

Uncle Fu said, "you are cold hearted, not to mention the third young master who lost an Yin. The werewolves, whether men or women, have decided that there is only one such one in their whole life... "

Uncle Fu said here, no more.

Mr. Qin's old eyes were wet. Jian'an and his wife had been away for more than ten years, and they had passed through the house many times without entering. However, Qin Jian lost an Yin and became a lonely old man.

How can he feel sorry.

This time Qin Jian came back, black and thin.

That lonely look, he looked really heartache.

"Qin Fu, you go to arrange, mobilize all the contacts, find an Yin, no matter what, you have to see people alive, die to see the body."

At this point, only find an Yin, can we solve the knot in Qin Jian's heart.



as Gu Luan left the hall of the castle, he was about to leave from the back mountain. He saw Qin Jian standing under the tree on his way and looking at him calmly.

Lonely Luan stops, looking at Qin Jian has pressed down gene, return to normal black eyes, thin lips slightly pursed up.

Is that soul in this young man?

Looking at Qin Jian's handsome face, Gu Luan is in a trance.

Think of Linglong once said, "that boy is very similar to you..."

Lonely Luan heart suddenly a tight, dark took a breath, pressure down the chaotic mood to go forward, "since found me, why don't you tell them?"

Qin Jiandan looked at the man in front of him, "tell them, what's good for me?"

Gu Luan raised her eyebrows. "I thought that after a thousand years, those guys of Qin's family could make a little progress. Now it seems, it's just like this."

Qin Jian said: "they are not the same as Qin Ji. Qin Ji is not happy in his heart and wants to be a master, but you are his stumbling block. But these people are just used to living a good life, no blood, afraid of death However, they do not represent the entire werewolf race. The real werewolves are still alive, and have not been wiped out. "

Gu Luan did not speak. He looked at Qin Jian for a while, then went around him and went on.

Qin Jian slowly turned around and looked at Gu Luan's back. He suddenly asked, "if feng'er is gone, can you feel it?"

Guluan, stop.

An Yin disappeared, he also used Su's contacts to check an Yin, and he also went to Africa several times in person.

He wandered alone in Africa for several months, and for the first time felt that the world was too big to be bothered by.

"Can you?" Qin Jian stares at the back of Gu Luan's head.

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