Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3098

Dushulan did not give, "you go to the hot dishes, I will go to find some clothes for Xiaoyue."

Qin Jian confused: "clothes?" He didn't want his son to be known so quickly. When he got off the plane, he got on the car directly from the private channel and went back to Jinsha bend without going out to buy clothes for his son.

Qin Jian'an said: "when you were not born, your mother prepared a lot of clothes for you. But... "

However, Qin Jian was taken away by the old man when he was born, and those things were useless.

Qin Jian's heart is warm. When he was a child, he always thought that his mother didn't like him. It was not so.

Dushu Lan said: "those small clothes have been put for more than 20 years. They are already old, but they are always better than those messy ones on children."

Qin Jian looked gloomy.

Anyin also prepared some clothes for the baby, but her condition is not good, the things that can be used are very poor, plus aunt Yang's accident, all the luggage was stained with blood, and those small clothes were all stained with blood, which made it even worse.

In addition to the small clothes made by anyin, even his clothes, he has never taken the children with him, and he can't care whether they are good-looking or not. Naturally, they wrap up the children in a mess and keep them warm.

Qin Jian said, "don't lose the small clothes you changed. It's made by anyin and aunt Yang. "

Dushulan looked down at the clothes made of patchwork cloth on the child's body. She felt even more miserable. How hard should an Yin's child live before she could piece together such children's clothes.

He sucked his nose and held back the tears coming up again, "I know."

Qin Jian said: "in addition, do not let people know the existence of the child, after three months, go to the door, said just born."

Qin Jian'an and Mu Shulan look at each other and understand.

Qin Jian, this is not to let the people of the twilight family know that the child is an Yin.

Qin Jian'an asked, "where's Rong Laozi?"

Qin Jian: "I will tell him."

Qin Jianan nodded, "it's OK."

Evening Shulan holds the baby to get up, conveniently picked up the goat's milk to smell, "this milk, overnight?"

With so many hours on the plane, she thought, it was mostly after night.

Jin Peng: "yes."

"Milk for the night can't be given to the child any more. Lao Qin called quickly and ordered some pure milk. "

Children are born to drink goat's milk, milk powder should be changed slowly, can not be replaced, so as to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.

After settling down Qin Yue, Qin Jian was very tired. He and Jin Peng went back to their rooms and took a bath to lie down. They slept for a day and a night.

Qin Jian'an visited the rooms of Qin Jian and Jin Peng several times and found that they were dead asleep. He had been wandering outside for more than ten years and knew that he was tired. What's more, Qin Jian was tired because of anyin's affairs. He couldn't bear to wake them up. He just warmed up the dishes.

Dushulan gives Qin Yue to Qin Jian'an and goes out alone to buy all the things the child needs.

When Jin Peng gets up, he sees Qin Jian'an holding Qin Yue in one hand and a bell in the other hand to tease the children, while dushulan is sorting out a lot of baby supplies.

She opened her eyes in amazement, "aunt LAN, are you moving the baby goods store directly?"

Mu Shulan: "it's just

Qin Jian said that she didn't want other people to know about the children for the time being. She bought baby products. In order not to arouse suspicion, she emptied several baby stores and donated them to the children in the disaster area. Then she rubbed some of them secretly and gave them to her grandson.

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