Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3091

Anyin reached for Rongxun's hand.

Rongxun's stiff back froze and looked down at an Yin standing beside him.

An Yin light way: "they certainly don't want you to feel sorry for them."

Rongxun didn't say anything. He turned his hand and held it in his palm. He quickly pulled an Yin's hand.

The skin of the small hand is rough, the palm has a thick hard cocoon, and the fingers are full of cracks.

This is not the soft hand he used to pull.

Rongxun was stunned.

Most of these, what kind of life is she living

An Yinshun stands in Rongxun's eyes and looks at her hands. These days, she and aunt Yang have done everything they can to survive. Where can they care about it.

But it's another thing to be found out.

I quickly draw back and want to hide my hand.

Rongxun's five fingers closed and held the small hand tightly. The soft and boneless hand was held in the palm of his hand, which was even more painful than his hand. The whole heart was twisted into a ball.

"If you make your hands like this, how can you get the scalpel in the future?"

Those wounds were overlapped and healed, forming hard scars that would affect her perception.

An Yin light way: "later slowly raise good."

Rong Xun was very disgusted. He looked up at her for a while and said softly, "I'll take you to rest."

"Good." Anyin has been busy for a long time and is really tired.

Rong Xun took an Yin to his room. "You have to sleep for a while, and I'll call you after dinner."


Rong Xun looked down at the little woman in front of her. She was black and thin, but she couldn't see enough of it. She wanted to keep looking.

But she is too weak to rest.

Rong Xun settled down and let go of his small hand. "There is water in the bathroom. The water is not cool. You can wash it. I'll get you a change of clothes."

An Yin said, "good."

Rong Xun took a deep look at her, then turned away from the room and took the door with him.

Anyin stands where she is and looks at the big room.

A single bed, a desk, a chair, a simple wardrobe that can be removed, with a military uniform at the head of the bed, the quilt is folded like a piece of tofu, and there is nothing else.

An Yin looks more and more sad.

He lived in such a hard and dangerous environment.

Rong Xun came back soon, holding a bag in his hand and handed it to an Yin: "Li Jinhui gave it to her sister's. If you mind, you can only wear mine. "

It's not lucky that most people don't die.

But in this place, we can't pay attention to it.

Anyin took the bag. "Thank you."

Rongxun is too high. She can't wear his clothes.

And the room is finished at a glance, Rongxun should also have few sets of clothes.

Rong Xun took out a tray of mosquito repellent incense from his desk and lit it: "then you have a rest."

Anyin and other Rong Xun left, zipped the bag.

There are no feminine clothes. They are all camouflage clothes.

Anyin takes out a set and goes into the bathroom.

There is a jar of water in the bathroom. Because of the hot weather, the water is also warm.

Anyin took a quick bath and lay down on the bed.

When she was on the ship, she made an agreement with the captain, who promised not to touch her. However, she could not really believe that the captain was sleeping, but even if she fell asleep, she would wake up if there was any movement.

At this time, although I had just fought a battle, the breath was full of Rongxun's flavor, but I could not express my peace of mind. As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep.

It was the most secure sleep she had ever had.

PS: good night ~ ~

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